Stars In First House
The First House
House of Aries Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Mars
Area of Consciousness Personal
Awareness through self—projection & personal effectiveness
Sun in House I
The Sun in House I indicates an incarnation in which the learning through becoming a more self-expressive individual.
With this placement of the Sun it is common to find the Moon in the houses of Relative or Universal consciousness, particularly VII & XI. The past life experience has involved working in conjunction with others; in the current lifetime there is a need to become more aware of self and more personally effective.
Unless it is stressfully aspected by Saturn, the Sun in this house confers a self-confidence, which is founded upon self-acceptance. A person with the Sun in the House I is a martyr neither to self-doubt nor, the approval of others, unless the Moon is in Libra or House VII. Yet there is nothing aggressive or competitive about this placement of the Sun; rather there is usually sufficient self-confidence for others not to appear threatening. This is after all, the Sun in the House of its Exhaltation.
The presence of the Sun in House I minimizes the conflict between a person’s perception of himself and the way in
which he has been encouraged by his upbringing to show himself. A person with this placement usually has little
difficulty in identifying his desires and his interests. This is especially evident when the sign on the Ascendant is the same as that occupied by the Sun. This placement creates its fair share of celebrities and it is significant that House I notables tend to owe their renown as much to the image they present as to any talents they may display. Although a person with the Sun in House I is unlikely to dissemble in the presence of people known to him he frequently cultivates a professional or public persona in order to project himself more effectively.
There does not appear to be any specific profession, which attracts House I people. They tend to be found wherever
there is scope for them to express themselves with a minimum of restriction
A person with the Sun in House I expects - and gives - respect for what he is, as well as for what he does.
This placement of the Sun gives a tall, strong physique.
When Mercury is in House I with the Sun, or with the Sun in House II, then this creates subjectivity and no ready comprehension of the perspectives of others. Depending upon the aspects, which Mercury receives, this placement confers extreme effectiveness in defining and expressing the interests and views or a neurotic concern with being heard and understood.
With Mercury in House I and the Sun in House XII there is a stronger channel of communication between the conscious and unconscious mind than when both the Sun and Mercury are in XII. Whilst this combination’ weakens the subjectivity which is associated with Mercury in House I, it does enable a House XII person to define with greater clarity, his own interests and stance. With the Sun in any of these placements, Mercury in House I, unless retrograde, gives a tendency towards extreme talkativeness, and when rising is likely to give a distinctive tone of voice.
Of the inner planets, when they are working through House I, only Venus and the Moon are particularly sensitive to the reaction of others. The ruler of Libra when found in the House of Aries, however, needs to impress itself favourably on others. For a person with Venus in House I, being acceptable to others is the cornerstone of his identity and he will usually seek to achieve this through a display of qualities that are known to please.
As Venus in House I tends to confer classical good looks, he is usually assisted in this aim by an attractive appearance.
With Mars in House I a person projects himself forcefully and usually with little regard for others. The sign in which Mars is found indicates the form which assertiveness takes. A person with Mars in House I defines himself according to his desires and is capable of rash and wilful behaviour as he goes in pursuit of them. An explosive temper is common. Physical hurt, particularly to the head, is frequently the result of impetuosity. According to Sepharial, a scar on the face is a distinguishing feature of people with Mars in House I who also tend to walk in a distinctive manner with the head thrust forward. Unless Saturn lends its influence, Mars in I, especially close to the Ascendant, gives red hair, the intensity of the colour being in direct proportion to the proximity of Mars to the rising degree.
Jupiter in House I gives warmth, positivity and generosity. But, unless Saturn is strong in the chart there is unlikely to be much in the way of self-discipline and staying power. This placement can also encourage judgmental attitudes towards the views and lifestyles of others. A person with Jupiter in House I puts new experiences before stability and although this placement, unless retrograde, creates a fondness for comforts of all kinds. There will be nevertheless a preference for quality of life above material security - a choice that the Jovian will give the status of a moral principle. Jupiter in House I, especially when it is near the Ascendant, creates a large frame, which in combination with self-indulgence, which tends to go with a House I Jupiter, is liable to create weight problems.
When Saturn is in House I there is karma arising from assertiveness. Past life experience has been characterised by either ruthless self-seekingness or a reluctance to undertake any kind of action to help self. Either way - and the position of the Moon will indicate which - there is a need in the current lifetime to focus upon the related issues of responsibilities to self and respect for the boundaries of others. People with Saturn in House I start life feeling vulnerable and inadequate. Frequently the sense of inferiority is rooted in dissatisfaction with their personal appearance. Negativity about self creates a sense of being unequal to the challenges, which present themselves, and to impotence and defeatism. For people with Saturn in House I self-worth and personal effectiveness are the two sides of the same coin: if they are to overcome the fearfulness they experience when confronting change in any form they first need to develop a more positive attitude to themselves.
Saturn in House I tends towards a meagre frame. When close to the Ascendant it produces dark hair and a pale complexion.
Uranus in House I confers an individuality, which borders on the eccentric. A person with Uranus in House I will do things in his own way and is likely to have unusual interests, which he pursues without regard for the opinion of others. This placement occurs in the charts of people who for developmental reasons need to be freed from over-identification with the wishes and expectations of others.
Uranus in House I elongates the body. In the earth signs, especially when close to the Ascendant it produces a large build; in air and fire signs it tends towards boniness and sharp facial features. In water signs the result tends to be large, bulky forms, and in earth signs birth marks or scars on the face.
Neptune in House I creates acute sensitivity to the energies of others, to the extent of taking on their emotional states, perspectives and mannerisms. If Venus in House I seeks acknowledgement for qualities, which are distinctive, Neptune, the higher octave, seeks to merge by eroding differences. A person with this placement takes on the identity of those with whom he comes into contact, with the result that his own personality tends to be a kaleidoscope. A House I Neptune is common in charts where there is evidence that insensitivity in past lives has adversely affected others.
Neptune in House I gives the spiritual advantages, which come from not having a powerful ego, and when near the Ascendant, especially when in the water signs, can confer considerable psychic ability. In his dealings with the world, however, the Neptunian is disadvantaged by his inability to define and protect his own interests and by his difficulty in establishing within himself a stable base from which to operate. Activity therefore tends to be fitful and self-defeating in its inconsistency.
Unable to impose boundaries, a person with Neptune in House I is invaded by the emotional energies of others and sapped by their needs, a condition which frequently manifests in the physical body in the form of a prematurely lined face.
With Pluto in House I a soul is experiencing individuation over the course of many lifetimes, during which a sense of alienation and separation will transform into a fully functional individuality.
As the concept of self is meaningless without the existence of other, the experiences which Pluto in House I needs, come through the relationships which the person forms and which have the ability to transform his perception of himself. The situations in which these transformations occur may be traumatic: sometimes the personality has to disintegrate in order to be rebuilt. Most people with Pluto in House I discard identities, rather as a snake leaves behind a skin, at the end of relationships of significance. Each relationship tends to mark a watershed in the Plutonian’s life. The extent to which the Plutonian co-operates with this process and whether he views his partner as the catalyst or the enemy depends upon the stage of development he has attained. Pluto in House I, especially when it is close to the Ascendant, gives an explosive temper, which is triggered if a person considers himself to have been misunderstood, or if the will is opposed or desires thwarted.
This placement of Pluto gives intense, deep set eyes.
A person with the Moon in House I has known considerable personal recognition in previous lives, the memory of which can come through into the current incarnation as a strong desire for renown. Only the overall pattern of the chart will show whether this yearning can be fulfilled. The position of the Sun indicates the area of life in which the person will need to excel in this lifetime.
In the absence of the real thing, people with the Moon in House I tend to settle into a Walter Mitty kind of existence in which they become the centre of a universe of their own creation. Those who do become accomplished some area or another, however, are usually able to use the past life memory to present themselves with great effect.
People with the Moon in House I are frequently born to parents who are acutely conscious of the impression they make on others and the child himself is likely to be very self-conscious at an early age.
The Moon in House I, especially when it is near the Ascendant, gives a very fair skin and dark hair, which is likely to turn silver before a person reaches middle-age.
NOTE — As indicated in the text, where there is an emphasised 1st House there seems to be a very strong possibility that the Moon or the outer planets are in the houses of Relative or Universal consciousness. This suggests that the experiences and responsibilities of the solo operator are new to the soul, and it may be that, because the past life memory of having co-operated with others is strong, that an emphasised 1st House does not tend to create the ruthless and self-interestedness which could be expected from planets working through the House of Aries. Indeed this placement is likely to manifest a far less aggressive brand of self-consciousness than an emphasised 5th House or the Sun in Leo. Yet this does seem to be a reflection on the power of the past life memory rather than on the 1st House per se.
Stars In Second House
The Second House
House of Taurus Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Venus
Area of Consciousness Personal
Awareness through consolidation & material responsibility
Sun in House 2
The Sun in House 2 indicates that the soul is learning the lesson of material responsibility.
A person with this placement of the Sun has a developmental need to establish and live by his own value system. Every major choice he makes will have implications for his financial situation.
A person with the Sun in House 2 can never ignore the imperatives of survival at the material level nor abdicate to another the responsibility of meeting them. House 2 is one of the houses of Personal consciousness and anyone with this placement needs to make his own response.
A profound interest in money is usually present when the Sun is in House 2. The sign on the cusp of this house offers insights into the way a person is likely to approach the matter of making money and how he will spend it once he has it. For example, a person with Leo on the cusp of H2 is likely to be interested in money as the means of making possible a glamorous lifestyle and is prone to spend freely. A person with Cancer on the cusp of H2, however, tends to view money as a source of security and is more likely to save. The Earth signs when on the cusp of H2 give an outlook on life, which is almost, exclusively materialistic, unless Jupiter should be retrograde. Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces, however, are likely to involve a person in making a conscious sacrifice of material security for some other, more spiritual ideal. He then has to cope the best he can with the mundane responsibilities he will never lose.
These tendencies are strengthened if the Sun occupies the same sign as that on the cusp of House 2.
For people with the Sun in House 2, money and acquisitions tend to be the benchmark against which they assess their own worth and successfulness, and the means of expressing their appreciation of others. Second House people can be extraordinarily generous givers of presents to those they respect.
This placement of the Sun is commonly found with the Moon in one of the houses of Universal consciousness, indicating that the past life experience involved living according to standards, which were set and imposed by some external authority. With the Sun in H2 a person has the opportunity to live according to his desires and to the dictates of his own conscience as he has the potential to be self-supporting no matter what his choice of life style.
People with this placement of the Sun make entrepreneurs, investors and speculators. The need to do things in their own way, based upon their own assessment of a situation does not always make it easy for them to be employees, unless they have identified security as being the prime consideration in which case they are more likely to be accepting of the restraints. A pragmatic outlook usually goes with a House 2 Sun. As employees they are likely to be found in the financial services sector or in the accounts departments of businesses in other industry sectors.
When Mercury is in H2 with the Sun, this reinforces the need for a person to address the matter of his material welfare in his own way. This placement of Mercury confers an eye for detail and tends to attract people towards work, which involves financial analysis. The attitude to money is markedly less relaxed than when the Sun alone occupies H2.
When Mercury is in H2 and the Sun in H1 then a person frequently seeks to project himself in a way, which involves either the amassing of money or the use of money in a distinctive way. With Mercury in H2 and the Sun in H3 a person is likely to be particularly aware of the power of material values. This placement will ground a person who has an emphasised Third House and give a more practical outlook. This combination is found in the charts of people who work in advertising, academics interested in consumer societies, and people who use their literary and communications skills to earn them money.
Venus in House 2 confers a love of money, material possessions and a comfortable lifestyle. When Venus is in Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces, a person’s valued possessions tend to be mementos of his travels and objects d’ art which reflect his philosophical and religious interests. Regardless of sign, Venus in its Own House links a person through his senses to the material world. This placement makes a person responsive to beauty and appreciative of life in all its forms.
With Mars in House 2 a person tends to use money as a means of projecting himself and he expects to pay for what he wants. Like the Sun in H2 Mars disposes him to do things in his own way and to use money and presents as a way of expressing appreciation.
Unless restrained by Saturn, however, Mars when working through House 2 creates impulsiveness and extravagance. When this is the case the same lack of measure tends to be in evidence in the way a person gives of his energies. With this placement therefore there is a risk of material and spiritual depletion.
Jupiter in House 2 tends to produce unapologetic materialists and good livers. People with this placement are usually generous with what they have and lucky with money: Jupiter in H2 appears to ensure that what a person gives out is returned to him at the material level. If Jupiter is retrograde a person’s value system will be ordered to make quality of life the first priority. Nevertheless he will be appreciative of material comforts and have a sensuous awareness of the world.
Saturn in House 2 requires a person to work long and hard to achieve financial security. Without this dedication a person with Saturn in H2 will seek out a very meagre existence. People with this placement who do achieve stability - and many live very comfortably indeed - do so by sacrificing their other interests and activities. When Saturn is in H2 money is a jealous god: a person with this placement will find that every choice carries its price. It is common to find Saturn in charts where there is evidence that past life experience has been excessively spirited, removed from the hurly burly of life or overly dependent upon another.
People with Saturn in H2 tend to be thrifty in their habits and more inclined to invest than to spend.
Uranus in House 2 indicates that for developmental reasons, a person needs to be freed from an undue dependence upon material forms of security. When working through H2, Uranus produces financial feasts and famines, rather than consistently difficult situations, which confound a person’s efforts to plan and forecast. Eventually he learns to cope by living from day to day and accepting things as they are.
This placement of Uranus is commonly found with the Moon in an Earth sign, in Cancer, or in the 10th House.
With Neptune in House 2 a person tends to assume himself to be beyond the restrictions imposed by a regard for practicalities or received wisdom. This placement can produce someone capable of coming up with visionary schemes for making money or hopelessly unrealistic plans. Frequently the two tendencies co-exist within the same person and the Neptunian who makes a lot of money usually has to be protected from himself. There is rarely any ability to operate within budgeted limits or observe even basic disciplines. When the dissolving effect of Neptune is experienced in H2, this materially focused house, the result can be heightened sensitivity to psychic energies. People with Neptune in H2 frequently have clairvoyant abilities, especially if the Moon is also present in this house.
When Pluto is in House 2 the soul is learning over many lifetimes to become the master of money and the power it confers, rather than caught up in its glamour. This placement of Pluto gives a person considerable ability to attract money into his life. His level of awareness will determine whether he will impose limits on his ambitions or whether greed will drive him to the point at which he topples. In H2, as in the other Earth houses, cause follows effect with unerring exactitude within the span of a single life time. The financial crashes of people with Pluto in H2 can be spectacular. They will nearly always pick themselves up and start again, however, wiser, hopefully, for the experience.
The Moon in House 2 is an indication that other incarnations have exposed the soul to the experience of dealing with material responsibility. The sign in which the Moon is found reveals the value system with which the experience was approached.
People born with the Moon in H2 are frequently born to parents, one of whom at least, is aware of security- sometimes to the point of pre-occupation. If, however, the sign, which the Moon holds is Sagittarius, Aquarius or Pisces then it, is likely that the parents’ life is built upon a spiritually based value system.
A person with this placement of the Moon tends to want to ‘get some money behind him’ before he develops the area of life indicated by the Sun and he is likely to remain security conscious throughout his life.
AUTHOR’S NOTE The Second House experience by its nature requires a person to have extensive direct involvement with money and the material. It may well be the case that a person with an emphasised Second House can see nothing beyond or above the material plane.
From the point of view of the soul’s development this makes it no less valid an experience. What matters more than whether or not he is identified with the material is how willingly he faces up to his responsibilities and accepts the consequences of his actions.
It is often assumed by students of Astrology when they begin their studies that the experience of the Earth houses and signs is in some way inferior, a view re-enforced by New Age enthusiasm for psychic ability, which is too readily assumed to be an indication of spiritual attainment. Even if this were the case the Earth signs would not trail home. Maybe it is relevant at this juncture to mention that many of the finest psychics have the Moon in Capricorn, the last of the Earth signs, suggesting that their exceptional powers have been made possible by the level of mastery achieved at the physical level.
Stars In Third House
The Third House
House of Gemini Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Area of Consciousness Personal
Awareness through communication
Sun in House 3
The Sun in House 3 signifies an incarnation in which experience to be gained is from working with the concrete mind.
This placement of the Sun usually produces a strong intellect and a gift for communication, especially if the Sun is supported in House 3 by Mercury.
Third House people usually demonstrate considerable awareness of the importance of the environment in the formation of the individual. Whether their focus is the cultural or physical aspect of environment is a matter influenced by the sign on the cusp of H3 and that occupied by the Sun.
The Air signs tend to produce intellectuals; the Fire and Water signs, an interest in the arts; the Earth signs, a concern with their physical environment. All H3 people tend to see the individual and his environment in a symbiotic relationship: pollute one and the other is also polluted. In education is the salvation of both.
Unless the outer planets are in H3 or opposing the Sun from H9, a person with this placement of the Sun usually applies himself to analysing and commenting on the mores of a society rather than questioning its fundamental tenets. The House of Gemini is more likely to produce a commentator rather than a
revolutionary. A person with the Sun in H3 examines his society as an interested insider.
This area of the horoscope confers a rationalist's perspective, which a person with the Sun in H3 rarely steps outside. Indeed it is unusual for a H3 person to step outside the culture of his birth for any length of time. He considers himself to be a product of that culture, to 'speak the language' both literally and metaphorically. Away from the familiar territory of the society of his birth he tends to feel disoriented and cut-off. The presence of Uranus and / or Pluto in H3, however, is likely to negate the sense of belonging, which goes with this placement of the Sun, and turn it into alienation.
When Mercury is in House 3, with the Sun it reinforces a person's faith in rational and empirical processes, and in classification and analysis as tools in the service of understanding.
When Mercury is in H3 and the Sun is in H2, then a person usually seeks to turn his communication skills to financial advantage. This combination is found in charts of people who work in the advertising industry and in selling.
When Mercury is in H3 and the Sun is in H4, a person's quest for self-discovery is likely to take place through formal disciplines such as psychology, anthropology, and sociology. To such a person the concept of cultural conditioning is very meaningful and is the key to an understanding of the psyche of the individual.
Mercury in H3 with the Sun in any house confers intelligence and a gift for communication. If afflicted by Saturn or the outer planets it may indicate difficulties with a sibling.
Venus in House 3 tends to produce a facility for communication, a fine singing or speaking voice as well as an appreciation of literature and the arts. The experience of education is usually positive to a person with this placement although of itself it does not usually produce a particularly powerful intellect. The concern, rather, is with order.
A love for the locality of birth and a close relationship with one or all of the siblings may produce a certain clannishness. Within a person with Venus in H3, there is rarely any desire to leave the culture of birth, unless the outer planets are also in H3.
With Mars in House 3 a person is likely to have a sharp tongue, a sarcastic wit and a defensive stance in communication. This placement is commonly found in the charts of people who experienced aggression in the childhood environment and learned to defend themselves verbally rather than physically. Where this is the case the perpetrator of the aggression is likely to be a sibling or a contemporary rather than an adult.
Throughout his adult life the dealings, which a person with Mars in H3 has with others, tend to be fraught with conflict and misunderstanding owing to his inability to appreciate the extent of the abrasiveness of his own tongue. This placement of Mars, however, may confer considerable literary ability and a humourist’s talent.
As motorists, people with Mars in H3 tend to be aggressive and accident-prone. Their approach to life is generally competitive and combatative.
With Jupiter in House 3 a person is likely to have a strong intellect and a facility with the written and the spoken word. The interests tend to be wide-ranging with this placement of Jupiter and it is more likely to produce an informed layman than an academic. Yet a person with Jupiter in H3 is likely to be enthusiastic about education and literacy and will fare well as part of any organisation concerned with the promotion of learning, whatever his capacity.
A person with Jupiter in H3 usually has a good, if not close, relationship with his siblings, which is founded upon an acceptance and appreciation of their differences.
With Saturn in House 3 a person is likely to be dealing with karma arising from the misuse of intellectual power. A person with this p1acement commonly has the Moon in an Air sign or another Air House.
In the present lifetime Saturn in H3 frequently makes it difficult for a young person to make progress in the education system, although this is less likely to be the result of a lack of intellectual ability than in the frustration of the child’s circumstances (e.g. the need to change schools repeatedly or to receive the education in a language which is not the child’s native tongue.) Sometimes there is a sibling of exceptional ability to whom the child compares himself or is compared unfavourably.
A perceived inability to make progress is likely to make the child quit education at the earliest possible opportunity, only to return as an adult when he feels disadvantaged by his lack of qualifications. Where this is the case, a person with Saturn in H3 tends to apply himself with a dedication, which is a measure of the value it now has for him. Alternatively, a person with Saturn in H3 may fare very well in the education system from a very early age, by dint of an application, which requires him to neglect other areas of his life. Either way, the education is not something, which is taken lightly or gained without perceived sacrifice. And in either scenario sibling rivalry or loneliness arising from the absence of siblings, is likely to be a factor.
For a person with Saturn in H3, qualifications tend to be seen as a benchmark against which he is able to assess his own intellectual worth.
When Uranus is in House 3, there is a developmental need for a person to be freed from over-identification with rational and empirical thought processes. Uranus in this house confers a lightening intuition and the ability to arrive at the ‘bottom line’ without having cognisance of the intermediary stages.
This kind of intelligence tends not to be given much recognition by formal education with the result that a young person may become bored and alienated from a system he perceives to be pedestrian. His stance is frequently one of intellectual arrogance as he considers himself, not without cause, to have greater originality than his peers.
It is noteworthy that Uranus in H3 is a placement common amongst practicing astrologers: not only does it confer an interest in this branch of knowledge but it also gives the ability to synthesis the components of a horoscope. Indeed it is with the occult practices that Uranus in H3 comes into its own.
With Uranus in H3, a person tends to have poor concentration especially where routine application is required. In consequence this placement tends to make for erratic and accident-prone motorists and unlucky travelers; Uranus in H3 will rarely bother to research the journey it is about to make.
Neptune in House 3 creates an imaginative and even visionary mind. The faculty for imitation is also considerable with the result that foreign languages tend to be mastered quickly as if by a process of absorption. The gift for mimicry conferred by this placement of Neptune is notable.
People with Neptune in H3 tend to be highly sensitive to 'spirit of place' and may feel a strong sense of connectedness to a region or locality which may or may not be that of birth.
As with Uranus, the Third House placement of Neptune tends to adversely affect the concentration and rarely creates any leaning towards the sciences. The presence of Neptune in H3 may also signify a sensitive or wayward sibling.
With Pluto in House 3, the soul, over many lifetimes, is coming to understand the nature of personal reality. This placement of Pluto gives depth to the mind and a need to penetrate to the very roots of the process of conditioning. Eventually the Plutonian comes to understand that 'What is looked at is what is looking' (St. Francis).
As he analyses influences working on him in any lifetime it is likely that a person with this placement of Pluto will become estranged from both his family and the society of his birth if he perceives their contribution to have been negative. The difficulties, which a person with Pluto in H3 tends to have with his family, are likely to be the result of conflicting outlooks rather than being rooted in the nurturing experience. In consequence they tend to manifest from adolescence onwards. With Pluto in H3 a person tends to be vehement and uncompromising in his views and rarely fares well in any education system despite his strong intellect and enquiring mind.
This placement is frequently found in the charts of people who have made themselves exiles from their country of birth, usually because they object to the national mentality.
The Moon in House 3 is an indication that there has been past life experience of being part of a small, self-conscious community, the mores of which became the unchallenged foundations of the personal reality.
People born with the Moon in House 3 are freqently born into tight-knit or clannish communities which define themselves as much by what they are not as by what it is they do stand for. According to the criteria of Astrology, academia forms such a community.
The development of a person with the Moon in H3 depends upon his moving out and on and gaining new terms of reference because he identifies with what circumstance has made familiar to an extent that he imprisons himself in his own unchallenged assumptions. The position of the Sun indicates the area of life into which the movement is to be made; the pattern of the chart as a whole will suggest how much of a wrench the separating out will be.
A person with the Moon in H3 tends to have difficulty with emotional detachment. In extreme cases a person’s reality can be based exclusively upon emotional projection, a situation inherently isolating and de-stabilising.
AUTHOR’S NOTE - The emphasis put upon academic and professional qualifications in most contemporary industrialised societies has turned qualifications into the principle benchmark of intelligence. As a result there are many people with emphasised Third Houses who, because they did not perform well at school for whatever reason, have difficulty in recognising their own intellectual capabilities. They tend to be in a double bind because the regard they have for education, by virtue of their Third House planets, makes them assess themselves against the criteria of the very system, which is disadvantaging them. In consequence they tend to become passive consumers within their societies rather than the investigators and reformers which their Third House planets entitile them to be.
Stars In Fourth House
Four The Fourth House House of Cancer Element: Water Ruling Planet: Moon Area of Consciousness Personal Awareness through the experience of continuity Sun in House 4 The Sun in House 4 indicates that during the course of the current lifetime, consciousness is to become more self-aware. The concern of the fourth house people is their inner reality and the circumstances that have gone into making them who they are.. People born with the Sun in H4 rarely have any great desire for acclaim or worldly success; instead they tend to favour a home - based life, which affords them much time for reflection. When the Sun is in H4, it is common to find other inner planets also in H4 and the Moon in one of the houses of Universal consciousness, indicating that the past life experience has been group orientated and lacking the terms of reference which make possible an understanding of personal development. In the 4th House a person is given the opportunity to understand how the emotional nature of the individual is formed from his past: through experiences which can be remembered and those which are locked in the unconscious; through personal experience and through the collective experience of his race. Many 4th House people are drawn to psychotherapy as a means of accessing and processing what is in the unconscious and they have already awareness of the importance of the emotional level in understanding human motivation. The closer the Sun to the I.C the more activated is the channel of communication between the personal and the collective unconscious, and the stronger the sense of continuity and attachment to the culture of birth. People with the Sun in the 4th House are likely to view the mother as the most influential parent, regardless of whether the experience of her was positive or negative. Home life - the responsibility of the mother - is perceived by a 4th House person as the environment, which will either make or mar the individual. Yet, whilst a person with the Sun in H4 places such a high value upon home life, this placement does not automatically confer the ability to create or sustain the desired environment. This will come only after a person has an understanding of his own emotional nature and of any sabotaging tendencies. The 4th House experience by its nature is easier for a woman to handle than for a man who tends to look to a partner to create and run the home and thereby relinquishes a considerable amount of control of this all-important environment. A person with the Sun in H4 views his home as an extension and a reflection of himself, and it is notable that a 4th House person will frequently seek to move home after a major period of inner change or after a break-through in self-understanding: it is as if the existing four walls no longer represent a comfortable fit. Fourth House people who are constantly on the move may well be relying upon a change of residence to put right what they sense to be out of kilter in their lives, in which case they are probably evading the need to look at self. Professions chosen by 4th House people include psychotherapy, social work, mental health nursing, and all sectors of the industry, which has grown up around home ownership. Mercury Mercury in the 4th House with the Sun increases inward-looking ness of the disposition and creates a reality, which is greatly influenced by the emotional states and by the example and experience of the mother who may be of an anxious or highly strung disposition. To people with this combination in H4 the need to feel secure is of paramount importance. A person’s level of awareness will determine whether he will rely upon bricks and mortar to provide the sense of security or whether he will create a centre within himself by means of self understanding. When Mercury is in H4 and the Sun in H3 then the past is perceived as a factor of great importance in the conditioning process at work, on both the individual and his society, and in order to understand either, a person with this combination will look to their history. When Mercury is in H4 and the Sun in H5 then the form which a person’s creativity takes will be heavily influenced by, and in all probability designed to impart, psychological insight. This combination produces authors, poets and fine artists. It is also evident in the charts of therapists and healers who seek to use both their own creativity and that of their clients in order to bring about healing at the emotional level. Regardless of the placement of the Sun, a person with Mercury in H4 is closely identified with the perspectives and preconceptions of the culture into which he is born and has difficulty adapting to those of other societies. Loneliness and a sense of alienation are frequently the result of long periods spent abroad. Venus Venus in the 4th House confers a love of home and, unless afflicted by the outer planets, indicates a happy childhood and a loving relationship with the mother. Even if Venus is afflicted, an affectionate view of the maternal role and home life is likely to mark a person’s development. Venus in the 4th House facilitates the process of becoming reconciled to all that has been: it carries a promise of inner peace, especially in a person’s mature years, and creates affection for the country of birth. With Venus in the 4th House a person tends to be lucky in property matters provided he remains on his native soil. Mars Mars in the 4th House frequently signifies tension in the child hood, the result in all probability of a difficult relationship with an emotionally volatile mother. The early circumstances, however, are likely to give a person an awareness of the importance of the nurturing environment to a person’s subsequent emotional development and create an interest in psychology generally. This placement of Mars is common in the charts of people who become psychologists or who undertake intensive therapy or courses in self-awareness. People with Mars in H4 who do embark upon self-discovery will usually give it precedence over everything else in their lives. There is a tendency for Mars in H4 to manifest difficulties in real estate matters and accidents around the home. Jupiter Jupiter in the 4th House tends to signify a loving and liberal childhood in which the mother’s trusting attitude plays a significant part. This placement of Jupiter inclines a person towards spiritual methods of self-discovery rather than psychological and gives an aptitude for meditation, qualities often shared with the mother. Like Venus, Jupiter makes a person feel very much a part of the culture and the history of the country of his birth, and bodes well for property matters provided he does not move overseas. Saturn Saturn in the 4th House gives a cold and austere childhood. With this placement a person tends to experience the mother as inhibited and puritanical; home life in consequence is cheerless. Saturn in H4 is found in charts, which indicate that emotional immaturity in past lives has incurred karma: the reaction to emotional charged situations having been irresponsible, child-like and lacking restraint. People with Saturn in H4 usually wish to leave behind their childhood and everything associated with it as soon as possible. They rarely have much affection for the country of birth. People with Saturn in the 4th House begin adult life feeling uncomfortable with self-examination and usually with little awareness of the extent of their inhibitedness. Although their future happiness depends upon a willingness to examine the legacy of their childhoods, their inhibitions enable them to develop the emotional control lacking in previous incarnations. Understanding the emotional self is the challenge presented by Saturn in H4, which may or may not be accepted. The price of not looking within tends to be loneliness, domestic disharmony and a lack of emotional fulfilment. Those who do accept the challenge tend to favour the psychological, rather than the spiritual route to self-discovery and appear to be particularly receptive to psychoanalysis. The 4th House placement of Saturn tends to manifest delays and disappointments in connection with property. It is notable that people with Saturn in H4 experience more than an average amount of difficulty in disposing of properties. Uranus Uranus in the 4th House indicates that there is a developmental need to be freed up from childlike emotional patterns and from a need to be nurtured in particular. This frequently means that a dependency upon the mother has to be broken. With Uranus in H4 a person usually experiences domestic disharmony in his childhood. If it is the father who is responsible (it is common for the father to have a drink problem when Uranus is in H4), then the mother is likely to prove unequal to the task of counteracting the father’s influence with the result that the child becomes estranged from both parents and leaves home to escape the oppressive conditions. It is not uncommon for people with Uranus in H4 to embrace an unusual or eccentric lifestyle in the name of freedom. In the matter of property, atmosphere and location will usually take precedence over financial considerations and there may be a principled aversion to property ownership. People with Uranus in H4 tend to be dismissive of the received wisdom about security and like to feel that they have no special attachment to the country of birth. Close to the I.C, Uranus confers considerable psychic ability and a special gift for divination. Neptune With Neptune in the 4th House a person seeks to make his home a sanctuary and the centre of his life. With this placement there tends to be great sensitivity to environments and locations and a propensity to ‘fall in love’ with certain properties which become central to the efforts to create the ideal home. Not infrequently, because sentiment has prevailed over economic sense, people with Neptune in H4 find themselves in considerable financial difficulty over a property. A person with Neptune in H4 usually feels himself to be very much a part of the history and culture of the country of his birth and is disinclined to leave it for any length of time. Even the spiritual quests of people with Neptune in H4 rarely take them too far away from the traditions of their own culture. This placement confers a ready aptitude for contemplation and meditation; and when Neptune is close to the I.C, clairvoyant abilities. Pluto With Pluto in the 4th House, the soul, over many lifetimes, is learning emotional awareness and self-sufficiency by means of a process which involves reducing dependence upon outer forms of security, particularly that provided by the mother and the home. People with Pluto in the 4th House usually confront situations which make them grow up early and yet the nature of the circumstances designed to develop independence in a person, varies considerably, depending upon which other planets are in H4 with Pluto. If Venus or Jupiter is with Pluto, then the parents are likely to be loving to the child but committed to making him independent early in life. Mars or Uranus in H4 with Pluto nearly always indicate some trauma with parents which involves drink, drugs or violence, as do the circumstances produced by Pluto alone. When Saturn is with Pluto in H4 the parents’ emotional inhibitions prevent them from doing anything more than look after the child’s physical needs. The combination of Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto tends to produce excessively liberal parents who thrust freedom upon the child. How a person deals with the challenges brought by Pluto in H4 will depend very much upon the level of development. The childhood circumstances may take a person the rest of his life to come to terms with, or they may equip him with a sound understanding that he and he alone is responsible for his own happiness and emotional well-being. With Pluto in the 4th House, a person’s life tends to be made up of a number of distinct phases or watersheds, and it is not uncommon for the Plutonian to quit a property and even a country in order to bring a phase of his life to a close. Moon The Moon in the 4th House indicates that past life experiences, centred upon the home and the mother have provided an opportunity to begin the process of opening up emotionally by creating awareness of a need for love, nurturing and maternal guidance. A person with the Moon in the 4th House is usually born into a close-knit family and, regardless of sex, has an especially close relationship with the mother. The relationship with the mother has enormous significance for the child’s emotional development: accustomed to her unconditional love, he tends to grow up very much an emotional consumer. Demanding and self-absorbed, he usually has much to learn about the giving of love and may be reluctant to take the responsibilities of being either a partner or a parent. For as long as the mother is alive, she remains the principal claimant of his affections and he may be aware of a strong psychic bond between them. If outer planets are present in H4 with the Moon then the mother is likely to be instrumental in creating the conditions, frequently traumatic, which are required to move a person on from the security of home-centred life, which the past life experience has made familiar to the soul and which has now served its purpose. Whatever area of life, the Sun, by its sign and house position, is identified as being the one into which a person must move in order to continue his development. When the Moon is in H4 he will first ensure that he has a secure home base from which to project. He tends to leave the family home only when he is able to afford to set up a home of his own. As a person with the Moon in H4 identifies property with security and he is usually an enthusiastic homeowner. AUTHOR’S NOTE: - The matter of whether and when the 4th House denotes the mother or the father (and conversely, whether the 10th House denotes the father or the mother) has long been an area of controversy in Western astrology. The view taken throughout this work is that regardless of the sex of the native, the 4th House at all times denotes the mother and the home, (and the 10th House the father and the career). Whilst it is unquestionably the case that the outer planets use the agency of the father to bring about the necessary developmental conditions, the essential significance of the experience is that the security and nurturance provided by the home (the province of the mother) is withdrawn in order that a person may learn to provide for himself. For people born in 1960s, when Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction, this lesson is likely to be earned through difficult and often traumatic circumstances.
In our contemporary societies the experiences brought into a person’s life by the inner planets working through the 4th House are easier, unquestionably, for a woman to handle. For a man an emphasised 4th House will produce tendencies which are considered unmasculine. Women with an emphasised 10th House face a comparable difficulty although one, which the thinking of the last thirty years has done much to ease. Notions of sexual equality have yet to extend in any meaningful way to men with an emphasised 4th House.
Stars In Fifth House
The Fifth House
House of Leo Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Sun
Area of Consciousness Relating
Awareness through the exercise of creative energy
Sun in House 5
The Sun in the 5th House is an indication that consciousness is enhancing its appreciation of creative potency and individuality and its awareness of being.
In this process the recognition of others is integral. The 5th House is one of the houses of Relative consciousness and in this area of the horoscope a person becomes aware of himself in relation to others. In its own house, the Sun focuses a person’s attention on himself and his own creative accomplishments, which he then displays in order to receive endorsement from others.
The challenge for all people born with the Sun in H5 is to keep sight of the infinite number of ways in which creativity can express itself and avoid becoming identified prematurely with one particular form of creative expression, through a hunger for recognition.
There is a correlation between the House of Leo and the sacral centre, which accounts for the sexual experiences that those with planets in H5 so often attract to themselves.
The 5th House placement of the Sun confers an awareness of self as a creative being. It does not of itself give exceptional gifts but as a 5th House person is usually ambitious for recognition of his accomplishments he tends to put effort into developing the abilities he has. The sign on the cusp of H5 offers clues as to what form a person will seek to give his creativity. For example, a person with Capricorn on H5 is likely to choose business; with Libra music, the decorative arts or beauty therapy; with Virgo healing. People with the Sun in H5 are usually attracted to environments in which creativity is being expressed, albeit by others. They make enthusiastic supporters of the arts in all forms and are found throughout the entertainment industry. Their need to be acknowledged makes them seek out the company of others and they tend to enjoy the energy and spontaneity of young children. Bringing children into being is another way 5th House people; both men and women give expression to their creativity. Larger than average families are not uncommon with the Sun in the 5th House.
This placement of the Sun is frequently found with the Moon in one the houses of Universal consciousness or the signs Aquarius or Pisces, indicating that the past life experience afforded little scope to develop an awareness of individuality.
Mercury in the 5th House with the Sun reinforces a person’s perception of himself as a creative being and is likely to confer the ability to use his powers of communication in some artistic way, in a form which will be determined by the sign held by Mercury and the sign on the cusp of H5.
When Mercury is in the 5th House with the Sun, a person tends to be able to give eloquent expression, sometimes in artistic form, to what effects him emotionally and to his psychological insights. Mercury in H5 with the Sun in H4 reduces the introversion, which is so often present.
With Mercury in H5 and the Sun in H6 a person seeks to combine his perception of himself as a creative person with his understanding of the need to work hard. In such an arrangement Mercury benefits from the industriousness of the 6th House approach and a person is usually extremely productive in whatever field he chooses to work.
Venus in the 5th House gives very considerable powers of creativity which, depending upon the sign and aspects it receives may manifest as musical or literary ability or skill in the fine arts.
People with this placement of Venus are usually enthusiastic about the arts in general and make patrons and collectors on varying scales.
Venus in the House of Leo confers striking eyes and, according to Sepharial, bestows exceptional beauty upon one of the children.
Mars in the 5th House indicates that a person seeks to project himself through creative activities, although this placement is as likely to produce someone who works on behalf of the arts as a practitioner.
Unless aspected by Saturn, Mars in H5 produces a freedom loving nature which is frequently reluctant to accept the responsibilities and restraints of parenthood. The sexual style may be aggressive and there is a tendency to attract or to be attracted to aggression in others. When close to the cusp of H5, especially when in conjunction or opposition to Uranus or Pluto, Mars can signify sexual abuse in childhood.
Jupiter in the 5th House creates an abundance of creative energy, which lends itself to a range of artistic skills and to the transmission of healing energies. Unless Saturn interferes, the sex drive is likely to be powerful and the conception of children achieved without effort.
People with this placement of Jupiter frequently have a strong spirituality, and natures which will not accept defeat. Their positivity makes them generally lucky in life.
Saturn in the 5th House frustrates the creative expression and requires a person to be both industrious and self-aware if he is to release his powers. With Saturn in H5, blocks can manifest variously: as insufficient confidence to express self; as a weak sense of individuality; as a delay in finding a suitable mode of expression; as sexual inhibitions; as a difficulty in keeping sexual partners. Usually existential doubt about the spiritual validity of the separated self is at the root of the problem. The sign held by Saturn will give a clue as to the way the problem will manifest in the personality. When Saturn is near the cusp of H5 and in conjunction or opposition to Uranus and Pluto, this may signify some sexual traumas in childhood. This placement of Saturn tends to be found in charts where there is evidence that past life experience has been characterised by irresponsibility, especially in matters of sexual expression; or that self-centred behaviour had an adverse effect on others.
If people with Saturn in H5 work hard on their creative block the outcome can be achievement of the highest order.
Where this placement is responsible for difficulties in the conception of children, the problem frequently needs to be dealt with at the psychological rather than the physiological level because infertility brought about by Saturn in H5 may be a psychosomatic condition, the root of which is fear or guilt about creating another being. This is frequently linked to the existential doubt outlined above.
Uranus in the 5th House signifies a developmental need for a person to learn about his creative potential, and how it is released by authentic expression .
This placement of Uranus is commonly found in charts with the Moon in one of the houses of Universal consciousness, or in the signs Aquarius or Pisces, indicating that the past life experience afforded little scope for individual expression. It is not uncommon either to find Uranus in H5 in charts where the Sun too is in these houses or signs denoting that whilst a person is learning to function as part of a team or group he has to come to a clearer understanding of his own powers in order to make a creative contribution to that group.
Uranus in the 5th House confers a lightening intuition which lends itself to all forms of divination and an originality which will ensure that a person will never become just one of a crowd.
This placement of Uranus demands that a person be free, both to express himself, but also simply to be. In women, this need, if it is not fully acknowledged, can produce conception difficulties as the sub-conscious responds to the fear of motherhood.
Uranus near the cusp of the 5th House with Pluto may indicate sexual abuse in childhood.
Neptune in the 5th House is inspirational. A strong spirituality is often present in people with this placement, and an awareness of Divine imminence.
In the sign Libra or with that sign on the cusp of H5, Neptune often confers a gift for music; with the signs Virgo and Scorpio, powers of healing; in any sign, Neptune in H5 tends to produce a great love of music and an aptitude for meditation.
It is notable, however, that not all people are able to pick up Neptune's vibrations when the planet of transcendence is working through the house of the Sun, with the result that they are unaware of their potential and of the inspiration which could be accessed through the exercise of their creativity. Nevertheless, people with Neptune in H5 who have no awareness of their potential often become parents to an obviously gifted child whose gifts they then help to develop.
Pluto in the 5th House indicates that the soul, over many lifetimes, is learning about individuality and creativity. At one end of the spectrum of experience available through the 5th House is megalomania, exhibitionism and sexual aggression; at the other is the fulfilment of a creative mission, of benefit to mankind, achieved through an appreciation of the powers available to a fully functional individual. The level of soul development will determine the way in which Pluto manifests in any lifetime.
Regardless of the level of development, Pluto in H5 demands that a person be free to express himself and this may manifest, especially in the early years, in rebellious and anti-authoritarian attitudes, which are usually directed in the first instance, at the father who is considered to be attempting to mould the child. Women with this placement are often reluctant to undertake the roles of wife and mother because of the loss of freedom involved. For Plutonians of both sexes the expression of sexuality is frequently characterised by periods of intense activity followed by periods of celibacy. People with Pluto in H5 who are not dispersing their sexual energy through sexual practice or other creative activities can attract violence to them-selves or become themselves perpetrators of sexual aggression.
A person with Pluto in H5 who is engaged in his creative mission may have no need to be sexually active, or may be purposefully retaining his sexual energies for the purposes of transmutation.
Although the creative missions of people with Pluto in H5 may take many forms and many lifetimes on working on different facets of their task in order to bring them to their apotheosis, most people with this placement have the ability to transmit healing and energising energies to others, whether this is done consciously or not.
The Moon in the 5th House indicates that past lives have given consciousness the experience of having lived in an individualistic and creative way. The sign occupied by the Moon will show the nature of the creativity. People with the Moon in H5 are likely to be born to a parent who is creative in some field, who operates in an individualistic way and who may have a flamboyant lifestyle. Not infrequently this parent will have left the family home and had little involvement in the rearing of the child who nonetheless admires the parent’s perceived glamour and modus operendi. People with the Moon in H5 hold individuality and panache in high regards and usually craves for themselves the recognition and freedom the soul remembers. Although they usually have considerable creative ability, the position of the Sun will determine whether they can usefully regain what they desire or whether there is a developmental need to learn to operate without the same degree of freedom of expression and without the reward of personal recognition.
When the Moon in H5 is in an Earth sign the Sun is commonly in H4 or H8 indicating that there is a need in the current lifetime to operate with greater emotional awareness; in a Fire sign there is a need to operate with a greater awareness of others (H6, H7 & H8); in a Water sign there is a need to operate in a more reasoning way (H7 & H11); in an Air sign there is a need to act in a more practical and accountable way (H2 & H10). When the Fifth House Moon occupies an Air sign there is a strong likelihood that in past lives the energies were used in a way designed to enhance personal powerfulness as in witchcraft or through the use of magic.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: In 1937 Pluto - then recently discovered - went into the sign Leo and the development of all generations since have been indelibly stamped by the Leo vibration and our fortunes exemplify difficulties inherent in the H5 experience
Leo needs to be the exception rather than the rule; in order to be outstanding it needs ordinariness to abound; in order to be free to express itself creatively and sexually it needs someone else to pay the bills and remain faithful. Egotism and attention-seeking shadow the 5th House experience. If creativity is developed with no aim other than self-publicity and financial reward human development is held back by insufficient appreciation of what it could achieve by means of its creative capacity.
The difficulties created by Leo can be resolved only in Aquarius where a sense of common purpose can restrain the more egotistical tendencies and arrest the decent into alienated purposeless individuality.
Stars In Sixth House
Six The Sixth House House of Virgo Element: Earth Ruling Planet: Mercury Area of Consciousness Relating Awareness through the use of the functional energy Sun in House 6 When the Sun is in 6th House the consciousness of the individual is gaining awareness of the physical resources through using energy in the service of others. The 6th House comprises one of the houses of Relative consciousness. The acts of service undertaken by a person with this placement of the Sun are to be performed amongst those with whom he has direct, personal contact. The sign of the cusp of H6 together with the house position of the accidental ruler of this house will provide clues as to the form the acts of service will take. The sign on the cusp of H5 should also be considered. A person with the Sun in the 6th House tends not to have much in the way of personal ambition. Assisting others in some capacity is usually experienced as sufficiently rewarding, although the placement of the Moon will be of importance in this matter. If, as is commonly the case, the Moon is in H1, H5, and H10 or in the sign Leo, then the past life memory of having had status or recognition may be a source of discontent. A person with the Sun in the 6th House usually has to work hard all his life, frequently for little financial return or recognition, unless prevented from doing so by ill health. When the Sun in H6 manifests ill health, the illness may be a karmic condition or it may be the consequence of inadequate co-operation with the developmental need to be of service, which means that energies designed to be used on behalf of, others are being used inappropriately. The roots of this lack of co-operation may be in the past life memory or in an upbringing in which emphasis was placed upon getting ahead. The aspects made to the Sun by Saturn and the outer planets will indicate the degree of constitutional strength and vitality. Where this is impaired, a person, by virtue of his physical limitations, is obliged to focus on his body in order to conserve and be economical in the use of his energies. Even when the constitution is strong a person is required to use his energy in a productive and responsible way in order to preserve his health. Either way a person who has incarnated with the Sun in H6 cannot afford to misuse or to take his body for granted. The body is the physical vehicle of the soul. In the 6th House a person learns how to use this vehicle efficiently, and because this placement of the Sun weakens the ego, there is an opportunity for him to minimise the new imbalances created during the course of the lifetime. As in the 12th House, which represents the opposite pole of service, for what is denied at the physical level when the Sun is in H6, be it bodily strength, wealth or recognition, there is compensation at the spiritual. People with this placement of the Sun make doctors, nurses, carers and those who look after animals and animals. They are also found in the retail and catering industries and other occupations, which involve serving the public. Mercury When Mercury is in the 6th House with the Sun there tends to be a more ready acceptance of the service role than if the Sun is in H6 and Mercury in another house. It may also indicate that the communication skills are the means of being of service. When Mercury is in H6 and the Sun in H5 then the creative awareness conferred by this placement of the Sun is likely to be given practical application. This combination tends to produce craftsmen and people who market their creative skills When Mercury is in H6 and the Sun in H7 then there is likely to be a desire to engage in work, which involves interpersonal contact. A person with this combination approaches relating with greeter expectations of equality than when the Sun is also in H6. When Mercury is in H6 and in stressful aspect to Mars, Saturn or the outer planets then, regardless of the position of the Sun, there may be difficulties with speech or hearing. Venus Venus in the 6th House confers a need to do work, which is fulfilling rather than prestigious, and people with this placement may suffer from boredom and a sense of futility until they find work, which commands their respect. Once this connection is made, however, they are capable of great dedication. In personal relationships a person with Venus in H6 expects to work hard on behalf of his partner and frequently have exacting standards of his own which he expects his partner to meet. This placement tends to make a person dutiful rather than passionate. It is notable that the relationships of people with Venus in H6 tend to be more enduring if they either work in the same field as their partners or have a partner with a comparable sense of vocation. Mars Mars in the 6th House gives energy, which needs to be expended in hard work, otherwise there will be a tendency towards self-destructive behaviour and ill health. As is the case with Venus, Mars in H6 confers a need to work at something perceived to be worthwhile. A person with this placement will usually sacrifice status for fulfillment. The illnesses, most likely febrile conditions, which Mars in H6 produces, are generally the consequence of an inappropriate use of energy rather than congenital disorders. Jupiter With Jupiter in the 6th House a person requires his work to compliment his philosophy of life and is likely to rank variety and fulfillment above security. Unless Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, this placement protects a person's health and gives him an abundance of vitality. When working in the service of others a person with Jupiter in H6 can contribute much through his positive and robust attitude. Saturn Saturn in the 6th House is an indication of karma resulting from laziness or selfish, high-handed behaviour in other lifetimes. A person with this placement of Saturn is inclined, especially in his later years, towards workaholism. As there is guilt around the matter of taking time off, a person with Saturn in H6 tends to create business rather than take advantage of an opportunity to relax. He rarely uses his time economically. He is likely to adhere slavishly to the routines he has established. Despite the willingness of a person with Saturn in H6 to work hard, this placement frequently means that a person may be many years in finding the kind of work which gives him a sense of fulfillment and, having found it, he will have to demonstrate much tenacity if he is to establish himself in this field. Once he has done the necessary spadework, however, a person with Saturn in H6 is capable of going far. There is a high incidence of stress related and arthritic conditions when Saturn is in H6. Uranus Uranus in the 6th House is an indication of a developmental need to be freed up from servility and routine, and to become more self-directing in the matter of the use of the energies The House of Virgo is not a comfortable location for the planet Uranus and the low tolerance or routine and discipline tends to be viewed negatively by the Uranian himself who frequently falls back upon illness in order to get himself out of oppressive work situations. A person with Uranus in the 6th House is highly susceptible to stress and to nervous disorders and needs therefore, to be in charge of his own work schedule. Neptune With Neptune in the 6th House a person derives a sense of purpose from being of service. This placement may well draw a person to the religious traditions, which emphasise self-sacrifice and service. Indeed, unless a spiritual ‘justification’ can be found for the body, there is a tendency for people to be become oppressed by a sense of futility. This is particularly true of women - a prey to neuroses like anorexia nervosa and extreme faddiness in the matter of diet, the root of which is guilt about living for nothing more than self-gratification. With this placement there is generally an above average awareness of the connection between the body and the soul and, in consequence, of the importance of the kind and quality of the food taken into the body. Pluto When Pluto is in the 6th House, the learning is through learning about work and service. Eventually a person will have enough awareness to perform a task of great service. During the 6th House learning process, consciousness is shaped by profound and extreme experiences, for example abject servitude and serious bodily affliction, in order to be ready to render service to others. The level of consciousness will determine the circumstances, which Pluto will manifest in any lifetime. People with this placement of Pluto tend to approach their work with intensity and a sense of dedication. The industrial sickness and injury which is associated with Pluto in H6 may be attributable, at one level at least, to the extent to which the Plutonian drives himself in an attempt to wring from his job, no matter how depersonalised, a sense of accomplishment and purpose. The Plutonian who finds work which he believes to be benefit others is a person with a sense of mission. Moon The Moon in H6 is an indication that past life experience has involved either being of service to others or receiving the ministrations of others: the Moon in H6 can indicate that in the past learning through the medium of a sick body. Whether the reason was the need to work hard or bodily incapacity the past life experience afforded little scope for self—direction or autonomy. The position of the Sun in the chart will show the area of life a person needs to focus upon in order to move himself on in the current lifetime. A person with the Moon in H6 is likely to be born to hard-working parents who have a pronounced sense of duty and few expectations for self. Alternatively, a parent may have ill-health and requires a lot of support from the child with the Moon in H6 In his dealings with others a person with this placement of the Moon is likely to demonstrate an aggravated sense of responsibility or even a servility, which becomes the source of inequality and imbalance in personal relationships in his adult years.
The childhood illnesses to which a person with the Moon in H6 may be prone— these can be both isolated attacks or chronic conditions—are likely to be outgrown, although there may be lifelong tendency to retreat into illness at times of emotional upheaval.
Stars In Seventh House
Seven The Seventh House House of Libra Element: Air Ruling Planet: Venus Area of Consciousness Relating Awareness through Relating Sun in House 7 The Sun in the 7th House indicates that consciousness is being balanced and expanded by interpersonal relating. The sign and position of the Moon will indicate whether the area of Relative consciousness is a new field of experience or whether there has been previous experience of relating but from a position of dominance or subservience. The 7th House experience leads a person eventually to accept nothing less than equality. As the relationships he forms during his lifetime are the very means of his self-discovery it is common for a person with the Sun in H7 to start out with a very weak sense of identity. In his early years he commonly experiences difficulty in giving one lifestyle preference over another: intellectually he understands that, unless they involve the exploitation of others, they are equally valid. Often the way out of the impasse is to bring a sense of direction into his life by means of an ambitious partner whom he supports and, to an extent, gets an identity from. It will not be long however, before the influence of this area of the horoscope causes him to react against the inequality of the relationship and the expectations his partner has of him. Then he will strike out with a clearer sense of direction and purpose. This process may have to happen a number of times before a 7th House person is able to define what he perceives himself to be. What he learns of himself through his experiences adds to his understanding of others: if he becomes aware of his own distinctiveness he has to acknowledge that of others; and if he acknowledges how different is the reality of each person then this calls into question the desirability of trying to fit with another in a binding, long-term commitment. Surprisingly, perhaps, the Sun in the House of Venus may produce tolerant and reasonable people but it does not produce willing candidates for marriage. It is notable that 7th House people of both sexes tend to marry late - if at all. Women with the Sun in the H7, in particular, possibly as a reaction to experiences with dominant partners early in their lives, tend to feel that they stand to lose too much of themselves in a conventional marriage and become very self-sufficient. People with the Sun in the 7th House tend to be happy in work in which there is plenty of scope for personal interaction, and in personnel, public relations and counseling work in particular. As teachers they tend to owe their effectiveness to their willingness to relate to their pupils as equals. Mercury Mercury in the 7th House with the Sun confers objectivity. This ready ability to see another’s point of view does not make it easy, however, for a person to define and promote his own stance, especially if this contravenes the interests and expectations of another. When Mercury is in H7 and the Sun in H6, then a person is more inclined to behave as an equal and expect equality in his dealings with others than if both are in H6. When Mercury is in H7 and the Sun in H8 a person is able to achieve a degree of detachment from his own emotional states. This combination, however, heightens a person’s sensitivity to the expectations of others and creates a correspondingly greater difficulty in defining and supporting his own stance. Venus With Venus in the 7th House a person feels a great need for a committed relationship in order to bring love into his life. With this placement there is frequently a marked lack of self-love: self-worth comes from being in a partnership. Venus in its own House is usually faithful and anxious to fulfill the partners expectations but the eagerness to get into a relationship may make a person indiscriminate in his choice and too willing to expect the formal trappings of marriage to be a substitute for true compatibility. In relationships of all kinds there is a tendency for the Venus person to place too much faith in the superficial indications of suitability. Yet no matter how many adverse experiences there may be, a person with Venus in H7 tends to keep alive the hope that he may one day meet his soul mate. Mars A person with Mars in the 7th House experiences difficulty in accepting that he could be self-sufficient and is driven therefore to seek out a partner, usually a forceful personality, to champion his interests and make things happen for him. In return for this service the Mars person will invest his energies in the relationship; should he feel, however, that the relationship is not serving his interests then he is likely to withdraw. Mars in the house of its Detriment puts relationships of all kinds under pressure because of the tendency of the Mars person to view his associates as agents for the fulfillment of his own wishes. Moreover his attraction to forceful partners makes it likely that this behaviour will be met with anger and aggression. So acrimonious can be the scenarios that a person may eventually learn self-sufficiency as the result of a cynical withdrawal from relationship situations. Jupiter With Jupiter in the 7th House, a person tends to look to his partner to supply experience and positive, directing energy. In his younger years the Jupiter person is likely to view himself as the junior partner who has much to learn about relationships and life from his associates, both intimate and non-intimate. The effect of Jupiter in H7 is not unlike that of the Sun in that it inclines towards a multiplicity of relationships as the didactic nature of the experience usually means that the associations are eventually outgrown and left behind. It is in the nature of Jupiter to understand this process, however, and a person with this placement is usually able to respect the partner both during and after the relationship. Saturn Saturn in the 7th House indicates that in the current lifetime partnerships will be a disciplining and restraining force. It is this placement, rather than Venus or Jupiter in H7, as is so readily assumed, which manifests the marriage of longevity. A person with Saturn in H7 frequently makes a commitment to another relatively young in life and it is in the context of this relationship that his own development takes place. Saturn in H7 is frequently found with the Moon in a fire sign or house, indicating that the past life experience has been self-expressive and unconstrained by responsibility to another. In the present lifetime commitments to associates, and to the marriage partner in particular, will give structure to the life. Unless Uranus or Pluto is in stressful aspect to Saturn, a person with this placement demonstrates a willingness to make his commitments legally binding so that his responsibilities are definable and difficult to avoid. It appears to be this tendency, given all that can result from litigation in the event of a break-up, be it of a marriage or a business association, which accounts for the view popularised by Sepharial, that Saturn in H7 signifies misfortune at the hands of partners. Whilst this placement means that partnerships will be a constraint on personal freedom it does not of itself indicate that the experience of the partners will be negative. Uranus Uranus in the 7th House is evidence of a developmental need to be freed from dependency upon another. This placement is commonly found with the Sun in H1 or H2, and the Moon in the sign Libra or one of the houses of Relative consciousness. By a miscellany of means, Uranus removes the partners should dependency develop. The principal targets of Uranian activity are the partnerships made in a person’s adult years, although the primary relationships of childhood may also be affected. As this placement of Uranus is so often found in charts which indicate that past life experience has been characterised by dependency, then it is often the case that a person with Uranus in H7 experiences much loss in his life as a consequence of repeating this way of relating. Neptune With Neptune in the 7th House a person has an idealised view of relationships and is willing to sacrifice much for his partner. With this placement there tends to be an attraction to people who are obviously needy, often as a result of drink or drug dependencies, and who are unable to return the devotion, which is given by the Neptunian. The Neptunian, however, has the satisfaction of believing that the relationship is saving his partner and has such a need to feel useful to another that the situation, far from being one-sided is more likely to be one of co-dependency. This placement of Neptune is found in charts where there is evidence that past life experience was characterised by a way of relating which was either selfish or predatory. Pluto Pluto in the 7th House is an indication that the soul has been working, possibly over many lifetimes, to attain a balance between self and other: between being an individual whilst respecting the individuality of others. This balance will be achieved only when the soul has experienced the spectrum of relating possibilities, which has servility at one end and dominance at the other. The situations, which Pluto will manifest in a person's life, will depend upon the nature of the relating experience with which the personality is required to deal. Whether Pluto in H7 manifests a partner with the power to transform a person’s perception of who he is or whether it takes away a controlling spouse, the experience will rank as the most significant of the lifetime. Moon The Moon in the 7th House is an indication that the past life experience has been one in which partnerships were integral to the development. The memory of having been one of a partnership is usually so strong that a person with this placement tends to demonstrate a precocious interest in the opposite sex and frequently makes an early marriage. Only the overall pattern of the chart will indicate whether this desire to settle into a committed relationship can be made part of the present lifetime or whether there is a developmental need to strike out alone in order to develop a new facet of consciousness. It is notable that many of the early marriages made by a person with a H7 Moon end after the Saturn Return and it is frequently the Moon person who, usually with much regret, initiates the separation because he is aware that he has other lifestyles to explore. These separations are commonly the cause of mutual regret because if the Moon person felt comfortable in the relationship situation the other party experienced him as a ‘good’ partner. People with the Moon in H7 are likely to be born to parents who pulled together in their relationships and retained their enthusiasm for the partnership even after any early passion may have gone. People with the Moon in H7 tend to be comfortable in relating situations of all kinds from a very early age, and children with this placement may demonstrate a reluctance to develop capabilities, which could set them apart from their friends.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Of the twelve houses, the House of Libra appears to be one of the least well understood, probably because popular astrology tends to trivialise the sign Libra and because in the West we have assumptions about relationships, especially those involving intimacy, which are at odds with the experience of the 7th House. The 7th House is in the service of balance and understanding, not the Romantic ideal. In this house a person gains awareness about self and other through his relationship experiences; relationships are not an end in themselves. All the inner planets represent energies, which a person can find within himself: they do not have to be brought into his life by another. The fact that in reality this happens to any appreciable degree only when the Sun, the planet of consciousness, is involved, is an indication of the extent to which the Romantic ideal has us in its grip. Self-sufficiency is not, in general, highly prized.
Stars In Eighth House
Eight The Eighth House House of Scorpio Element: Water Ruling Planet: Pluto and Mars Area of Consciousness Relating Emotional regeneration and the development of compassion Sun in House 8 The Sun in the 8th House indicates that consciousness is opening up to compassion, and the agents in the process are emotional suffering and refinement of desire. This may be a relatively advanced stage of development because people with the Sun in the 8th House do have the feel of ‘old souls’. There is a gravity and maturity conferred by this placement, which is evident even in very young children. The suffering experienced by 8th House people, is always at the hands of people with whom they have a close personal relationship, and although there may be physical cruelty also, it is at the emotional level that the pain is registered. The pain is nearly always that of rejection and the knowledge that the intensity of their feelings is neither understood nor valued. People with this placement of the Sun tend to experience the transforming energy of Pluto, the ruling planet of this house, as a force used by others against them. They do not readily use it themselves even in retaliation. People born with the Sun in the 8th House are usually born to parents unable to or unwilling to recognise the child's needs. Usually they have problems of their own and expect the child to be supportive and understanding. As the result of the early experience of having the emotional needs ignored the 8th House person grows up expecting little of the partners around whom he is prepared to build his life. In consequence his relationships are characterised by inequality. Whether it is emotional support, money or forgiveness - more than one 8th House person has discovered that he has married a person engaged in criminal activities - it is the person with the Sun in H8 doing the giving. The lack of reciprocity tends to be accepted without recrimination, and he will not easily give up on a relationship. People with the Sun in H8 demonstrate a great acceptance of things as they are and this becomes the source of the peace of mind they are capable of attaining in their later years. This acceptance may also account for their characteristic willingness to work with people whom society has condemned or rejected. A person with the Sun in the 8th House does not readily judge; he is more likely to respond to the humanness of the offender. Eighth House people are found in the prison service, and as social workers, nurses and counselors. In helping others they are often able to make sense of and redeem their suffering. This placement of the Sun tends to confer an interest in the astral plane and in channeling in particular. Mercury When Mercury is in the 8th House and the Sun in H7 or H8, perceptions and communication are highly sensitive to mood. This placement of Mercury confers intensity in conversation and in ease dealing with the emotional states of others. It is a common placement amongst bereavement counselors. When Mercury is in H8 and the Sun in H9, then spiritual solutions are frequently sought to emotional situations and there is likely to be a particular interest in channeled wisdom. Venus Venus in the 8th House indicates that the outworking of karma arising from emotional and sexual associations in other lifetimes is central to the current incarnation. This placement of Venus gives great depth to the emotions and makes a person capable of unconditional and unreciprocated love. People with Venus in H8 tend not to respond to physical attraction alone and frequently have long periods of celibacy. The attraction is to people who embody the energies their souls remember and retain a yearning for. There is no guarantee that the other party experiences the same sense of yearning or can match the intensity of the Venusian's feelings. It is the inequality of the situations which people with Venus in H8 are drawn which make them so prone to abusive treatment. Yet despite the lack of emotional reciprocity people with Venus in H8 frequently benefit from legacies Mars When Mars is in the 8th House a person’s will is constrained by the wishes of those with whom he has a relationship, be they family, lovers or business associates. This placement is an indication of karma incurred by selfish and self-interested behaviour. Although the constraint may take the form of physical violence, it is more likely to be emotional pressure, which the person with Mars in H8 feels unable to withstand. Owing to the difficulty experienced in acting in support of his own interests this placement of Mars disadvantages a person in any disputatious situation, especially when he knows the adversaries. Jupiter With Jupiter in the 8th House a person experiences little difficulty in opening up to and trusting others. This placement of Jupiter is favourable for partnership matters of all kinds, including those of inheritance, although in the matter of intimate relationships, Jupiter in H8 is more likely to have a number of associations of significance rather than one long lasting commitment. Saturn Saturn in the 8thI House indicates a karma arising from an insufficiently responsible attitude to the well being of partners or close associates. The sign, which Saturn occupies, together with the sign and house placement of the Moon will reveal the reality, which underpinned this lack of regard. People with Saturn in H8 are made to feel acutely vulnerable in situations of emotional and sexual intimacy and they are inclined to attract controlling, even bullying partners who remind them of their lack of responsibility. Co-dependent relationships which protract the cruelty and abuse are very common with this placement. This placement of Saturn can make the lower astral plane very intrusive in a person's life through nightmares and even poltergeist experience. Uranus With Uranus in the 8th House there is a developmental need to be freed up from emotional dependency, and when this placement is present in a chart it frequently means the loss of a loved one early in life. Whatever the scenario, emotional security will be denied. In adult life there is a tendency for partners to die, to leave, or to make themselves emotionally inaccessible, thereby forcing the Uranian onto his own resources. Uranus in H8 produces a fascination for the astral plane, most commonly in the power-conferring forms of witchcraft and magic. Neptune Neptune in the 8th House gives an attunement to the emotional states of others and gives understanding and compassion. Mediumistic ability is often present with this placement, although Neptune, unlike Uranus, is more likely to be concerned with the astral plane as a source of healing and instruction rather than power. Pluto When Pluto is in the 8th House the soul is engaged in the transformation of emotional energies, in ‘penetrating the darkness of himself to take out the light’ (Samael Aun Weor). This process in the intensity, which it is given by Pluto in H8, may go on for many lifetimes and requires those with this placement to face the Human Shadow manifesting both through self and other. Pluto in the 8th House tends to create a fascination for taboo subjects and psychotic people. The Plutonian himself may be the victim of compulsions and obsessions (his own or those of others) and intrusions from the lower astral. Nightmares and visitations are common with this placement. The astral plane may be used purposefully as a source of power, in which case the interest will be in witchcraft and magic, which may include the Black Arts. In personal relationships a person with Pluto in the 8th House transforms the lives of his partners but in circumstances usually viewed as destructive by all concerned. Violence, whether physical, emotional or sexual, is common when Pluto is in H8, including within the relationship with one or both parents. Moon The Moon in the 8th House is an indication that in past lives the emotional needs of others were denied as a result of an overly self-centered, materialistic, or cerebral reality. The sign of the Moon will indicate which. People with the Moon in 8th House are commonly born to parents who cannot function at an emotional level. With other planetary factors, this placement of the Moon can indicate the loss of a parent early in life in which the child is burdened by the bereaved parent’s emotional needs. Although acutely sensitive to the emotional states of others, people with the Moon in H8, who have had little practice in emotional expression early in their lives, tend to be inhibited and emotionally insecure in adult life. Unlike the Sun in this House, the Moon in H8 does not feel at ease in emotionally charged situations and although he may drive his own ill-defined needs underground and focus on those of partners and associates, he is more likely to attempt to evade emotional confrontation by concentrating on impersonal, outer-directed activities and go through life with his own emotional needs unrecognised and unacknowledged. AUTHOR’S NOTE: Like the other Water houses, the 8th house is not well understood. Some of astrology's bleakest commentaries have the 8th House as their subject and indeed, without a belief system which makes sense of suffering and the transformative function of life on Earth, then the experiences manifested by the 8th House seem very unfortunate indeed. Even so there are compensations available to people with emphasised 8th House and these are usually evident in their middle years. They are rarely short of friends and when Venus and Jupiter are present there is the possibility of inheritances given in acknowledgement of their supportiveness. In terms of spiritual development the compensations for 8th House experiences are very considerable. It is a karmic clearinghouse, which offers many opportunities for redressing imbalances and a certain protection against creating others. When the inner planets are working through the 8th House, they are rarely used in support of selfish interest. The outer planets, however, are a very different matter and only the pattern of the chart as whole will indicate how a person is likely to use the psychic power made available to him, by these planets.
Traditionally, the 8th House is the house of Death. Since the discovery of Pluto it seems, in natal astrology at least, that the deaths, which occur as a result of planets in H8, are likely to take place at an emotional rather than a physical level. It should be noted though that although planets in H8 may not weaken the constitution they can create an attraction to situations which are life threatening. This is especially true of Pluto.
Stars In Ninth House
Nine The Ninth House House of Sagittarius Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Jupiter Area of Consciousness Universal Awareness through the quest for meaning Sun in House 9 The Sun in the 9th House indicates that in the course of the current lifetime consciousness is to be expanded by the experience of seeking to understand the connection between God and man. In the quest the biggest clues will come from mankind's spiritual, religious and legal traditions. A 9th House Sun is common in the charts of clergymen and lawyers. It confers a mind which is at home with broad principles, with synthesis rather than analysis, and which prefers direct experience to scholarship. The Sun in H9 is frequently found in charts where the Moon is in one of the houses of Personal consciousness indicating that past life experience has been lived out with no goal other than self-perpetuation, or in the one of the houses of Relating consciousness where the focus has been earthly relationships. This placement of the Sun confers an adventurous and spirited nature and makes a person extremely restless if he is confined within ‘four walls’ be they of the home or the environment of birth, which he usually perceives to be narrow in both its understanding and sympathies. There is usually a strong desire to travel overseas in order to receive new impressions and experiences from within different cultural traditions. But the travel undertaken by 9th House people (and 9th House people, both men and women, can have the most extraordinarily itinerant lives) needs to be more than an end in itself: it has to enable them to find, not simply a new physical location but a place for themselves in a larger scheme. Without something to command his allegiance or a context to enable him to see the point of himself, a 9th House person can feel lost, rootless and without purpose. While many 9th House people do travel, others deal with their restlessness on another level. In which case, the precepts and practices of a philosophical or spiritual tradition, usually from a culture very different from their own, will be the agents of change in their lives. Once a 9th House person realises that he can find within himself, answers which he once sought in the outer world, then he tends to become less physically restless and a more settled life becomes possible. Although, he may well chose to reside outside the country of his birth and will nearly always view travel as the most potent of spiritual restoratives Mercury Mercury in the 9th House with the Sun reinforces the tendency to think in terms of broad principles and to value experience over ‘head-knowledge’. This combination increases the restless conferred by a 9th House Sun, and with it the likelihood, that a person will come to rest, either literally or metaphorically in a culture different from his own. When Mercury is in H9 and the Sun is in H8, there is the likelihood that a person will seek a spiritual explanation for emotional suffering and this combination can lighten, quite markedly, the heaviness which so often goes with an 8th House Sun. When Mercury is in H9 and the Sun in H10, then the church or legal profession may be attractive for the purposes of establishing a career. People with this combination have a range of interests notably wider and less materialistic than when Mercury is in H10 with the Sun. Mercury in H9 with the Sun, in any placement, confers an interest in spiritual and philosophical ideas and usually a very fine intellect. Unless Mercury is in an Air sign, however, or an Air sign occupies the cusp of H9, there is unlikely to be any enthusiasm for academic life, other than as a means to an end. Venus Venus in the 9th House confers a love of spiritual values and religious form, both those pertaining to a person’s native tradition and those of other cultures. This placement also creates a great sensitivity to the aesthetic and ceremonial aspects of religion. With Venus in H9, people usually travel much and frequently develop a special and abiding love for one particular country or culture. They also tend to be attracted to partners from other countries whose different cultural tradition gives them a certain glamour. A respect for civil as well as religious law usually goes with this placement of Venus and should there be recourse to legal action then the Venusian usually fares well. Mars Mars in the 9th House confers a restless and adventurous nature, which may take a person away from the country of his birth for long periods. When Mars is in the 9th House, traveling is nearly always undertaken in connection with work, employment overseas, being the preferred alternative to simply traveling. As with the Sun in H9, however, there is a possibility that this restlessness will find a spiritual outlet and be dealt with at another level. Mars in H9 inclines towards litigious ness, despite the marked lack of success in legal matters, which tends to accompany this placement, especially when Mars is afflicted by any of the outer planets. Jupiter Jupiter in the 9th House is the ‘philosopher’s planet’ in its own House. This placement of Jupiter confers an expansive mind and one, which usually has little sympathy with intellectualism. More than any other planet in H9, Jupiter likes to draw conclusions from its own experiences, and finding unity within diversity. A person with this placement tends to feel both restricted and uninspired by his own cultural tradition and will, in all probability, live overseas for long periods, unless Jupiter occupies a fixed sign or receives an aspect from Saturn. If a person with Jupiter in H9 should venture overseas, then the quality of his life will be enhanced, both materially and spiritually. This placement of Jupiter confers a powerful intuition and the ability to penetrate the letter of the law in order to find its spirit, Saturn With Saturn in the 9th House, a person has to struggle hard against scepticism. The wish to believe in something other than a material reality frequently precedes the ability to suspend disbelief, with the result that a person with this placement of Saturn, may remain in an agony of indecision for years, or go through long periods of serious doubt after he believed himself to have been convinced. What Saturn in H9 requires is empirical evidence of the immaterial. His inability to accept is usually the product of a lack of proof. Yet the desire to believe tends to keep him struggling with his skepticism and, in time, he may see that his doubt is the result of too close an identification of truth with the form in which it is presented. This placement of Saturn tends to be found in charts, the pattern of which indicates, that the past life experience has been one, in which there was, either no interest in anything other than the material plane, or that religious dogma has frustrated the growth of spiritual awareness. With Saturn in the 9th House a person is searching for an inner connection to a higher level in order to make sense of existence. With this placement of Saturn a person tends to have difficulty, especially in his early years in understanding broad principles and in considering anything other than his own interests of point of view. In consequence he runs the risk of incurring the penalty attached to trifling with the law. This commonly takes the form of initiating litigation for a case he cannot possibly win, or disregarding the customs and traditions of other countries. Hence, the reputation of Saturn in H9 for bringing about misfortune through the courts and overseas travel. Uranus Uranus in the 9th House indicates that for the purposes of development, spirituality has to be separated from religious form. A person with this placement of Uranus is rarely able to give his allegiance to any one form of religion; instead he will piece together his belief system from a range of religious traditions - and with Uranus in H9 he is likely to check out a number during the course of his life. For a person with Uranus in H9, travel is usually a great liberator even though this placement tends to bring its share of dangers and difficulties, which have a part to play in freeing a person from over dependence upon predictability and order. Litigation may also have the same effect, in which case a court ruling could overturn all a person had come to rely upon and identify with. Neptune With Neptune in the 9th House, a person freqently comes to much of his spiritual understanding through meditation and dream states. Like Uranus, Neptune in H9 tends, not to like to be tied to any one religious form, although, there is likely to be an attraction to those traditions, which encourage withdrawal from the world. People with Neptune in H9 commonly develop a great love of a different culture which may or may not be contemporaneous and which is seen as enshrining a superior system of values. Pluto Pluto in the 9th House indicates that the soul has been striving, maybe for many lifetimes, to understand the connection between God and man, and there is a level of knowingness in a person with Pluto in H9, which tends to produce an authoritative manner, even very young children. A person with this placement of Pluto is ready to be freed from religious form and conventional belief systems and claim back his own spiritual power. He may be critical or respectful of established religion, depending upon his personality type, but in neither case will he himself be held by it. This same desire for autonomy can make a person with Pluto impatient with the strictures of legal rulings and conventions, and if there is no conscious interest in this kind of autonomy, the law may let him down and shatter his naïve expectations. This placement of Pluto rarely bodes well for litigation Moon The Moon in the 9th House indicates that consciousness is imprinted with the memory of being exposed to spiritual law and higher knowledge. People with the Moon in H9 may be born to parents who consciously live in accordance with to spiritual values, or have connections with another country or religious tradition, which has a different (and usually stronger) set of spiritual values from that of the culture in which the child is being raised. If however, he is born to parents whose lifestyle in no way distinguishes them, as he grows the child will become aware that there is something of considerable significance missing from his life and which he may try to find in another country or through a spiritual tradition. People with the Moon in H9 frequently have a strong memory of having lived in another country to which they nearly always long to return or about which they have vivid dreams. The chart as a whole will have to be studied in order to assess whether returning to what seems so familiar will help or hinder. It may be that by going back, a person will be better able to call up from the unconscious valuable understanding, which may help him to find the way forward . The position of the Sun in the chart will indicate the area of life through the activities of which this knowledge is to be applied in the current lifetime. AUTHOR’S NOTE: While a tenanted 9th House offers a person an adventurous life, unless there are planets in the 10th House, it makes a conventional life a good deal more difficult to attain and such is power of social conditioning many people with planets in H9 waste energy and opportunity regretting their own itinerant proclivities. This is particularly true of women with an emphasised 9th House who, as they approach their middle years may be too willing to agree with those who describe their longing for new places and new peoples as mere escapism. It is evident, however, that when the 9th House urge to seek out the new is suppressed, it tends to go underground and emerge later on as a reckless and often destructive desire to bring about change in any way by any means.
Only when the Moon is in H9 does the wanderlust need to be questioned, as this may well indicate a reluctance to be reconciled to the imperatives of the current incarnation.
Stars In Tenth House
Ten The Tenth House House of Capricorn Element: Earth Ruling Planet: Saturn Area of Consciousness Universal Awareness through the experience of recognition and authority Sun in House 10 When the Sun is in the 10th House, consciousness is gaining experience of having status and recognition and the responsibilities connected with this. A 10th House person is accountable to those who are able to confer authority and give him the recognition, which he craves. The cusp of H10 - the Midheaven - is the highest point of the chart: all that a 10th House person does publicly, if not privately, needs to be able to bear the scrutiny which he will be exposed to as a result of occupying this elevated position. In the 10th House a person has to abide by whatever rules he has chosen to live by or be broken by them. Unless the Sun is afflicted by Uranus or Pluto, this placement produces a pragmatic attitude to conformity. What matters to a person with the Sun in H10 are status, recognition and the leverage that comes from having a platform from which to work; in return for these he is usually prepared to play the game. For a 10th House person a career is the customary route to recognition. On the ladder of his profession he expects to rise by dint of hard work. The prospect of promotion is his motivation. In the House of Saturn the rewards often come late and only as a result of considerable effort. A 10th House person who does not expect to work hard for recognition, has failed to understand something very fundamental about the nature of the success that comes through the 10th House. For 10th House women, the yearning for recognition is every bit as strong, even if the opportunities are not so numerous. Societies the world over have been slow to extend approval to a woman with ambition. It has been said of the 10th House, that, if a person cannot have recognition he will settle for notoriety - and this, many women have had to do, although the fruits of this kind of fame tend to be rather bitter because there is something inherently conservative about the house of Saturn and a H10 person would rather be with the Establishment than against it. Tenth House women who have gained status through marriage also tend to feel that this is an ersatz commodity and may be deeply envious of their husbands. Women with the Sun in H10 who do have careers are likely to fit motherhood around them. They are rarely content with domesticity over a long period. There does not appear to be any one profession, which attracts 10th House people. They will be found wherever there is a career structure and the promise of stability and promotion. They are more likely to make employees than entrepreneurs. Mercury Mercury in the 10th House gives a liking for structure order and hierarchy. Unless the Sun is in the 9th House or Mercury receives an aspect from Uranus or Neptune, there tends to be a marked preference for ‘hard fact’ over abstractions. When Mercury is in H10 with the Sun it reinforces the ambitiousness and pragmatism conferred by this placement. A person with this combination makes self-advancement his priority and the benchmark of success. When Mercury is in H10 and the Sun in H9 then a person, tends to adapt the famous Sufi description, "bows in the next world but stands in this". Although this combination confers much interest in philosophical and spiritual ideas, and in remote places, a person’s allegiance remains with his own society and he is usually ambitious for a position within it. This combination is common in the charts of clergymen and lawyers who draw on universally applicable principles to sanction law and order and earn themselves status in the process. When Mercury is in H10 and the Sun in H11 then a person is likely to make his career in an organisation, which serves the public, good. This combination tends to reduce the radicalism of the Sun in the house of Aquarius and makes a person more inclined to work to preserve the status quo than to change it. This combination produces members of the armed forces, the police force and career civil servants. Venus In the 10th House Venus, unless afflicted, facilitates the process of self-advancement. This placement augurs well for a successful and enjoyable career in which lucky breaks reduce the need to strive. Venus in H10 may also bring an advantageous marriage, most likely to a person older and more established. If a man is bringing the Capricornian experience into his life through the marriage partner, the wife almost certainly will be more mature. In the charts of either sex an unafflicted Venus in H10 suggests that the Father was much admired and there remains throughout life, a respect for authority figures. Mars With Mars in H10 a person projects himself through his career and is likely to bring a competitive attitude to this area of his life. A person with Mars in H10 has to do things in his own way and is confident of his own abilities. He is happier therefore wielding authority than submitting to it, which probably accounts for the tense relationship a person with this placement so commonly has with both colleagues and superiors. Mars in H10 is frequently insubordinate. A person with this placement is likely to have experienced his Father as a forceful personality and learnt his own assertiveness, as much through resisting the Father’s regime, as by copying his example. Jupiter Jupiter in H10 bodes well for advancement in life. In the house of Saturn, Jupiter is given discipline and staying power and so, provided the content of his work is perceived to be worthwhile, a person with this placement is usually happy to build a career. Like Venus, Jupiter in H10 gives lucky breaks and ease, both in dealing with and wielding authority. Unless Jupiter is afflicted, this planet in H10 indicates that the relationship with the Father was characterised by mutual trust and respect, and was a source of encouragement to the child. S aturn Saturn in the 10th House is the planet of Karma in its Own House. Unsurprisingly its effect on a person’s life is very pronounced. The sign and position of the Moon will shed light on why there should be such a need to have to struggle against an undertow which threatens to pull down all-a-person builds in his life, and which is resisted only by constant effort, self-discipline and sound judgment. Saturn in the 10th House, as the lives of Hitler and Napoleon demonstrate, does not rule out eminence and acclaim but it means that a person will face the consequences of all he has put into motion during his lifetime. A person with Saturn in H10 frequently starts life with obstacles blocking his way, including a father with a negative and critical attitude to the child or the marked absence of a father figure during the formative years. Either way the child’s self-confidence is seriously undermined. If the father is absent the child frequently feels a sense of shame and unworthiness for which he may attempt to compensate by achievement. Alternatively there may be insufficient self-confidence for him to make anything other than the most hesitant of progress in a career. Amongst those who do strive to succeed, it is notable that they commonly become disillusioned with their choice of career at the point when they are in sight of the glittering prizes, or suffer professional disgrace. Either way they are perceived by others as having ‘blown it’. Unless Saturn is aspected by Uranus or Pluto a person with this placement, never having known an easy exchange with his father, tends to be awed, if not overwhelmed by authority figures. If Uranus or Pluto make stressful aspects then there is likely to be a negative and defensive attitude to authority. Uranus Uranus in the 10th House indicates that there is a developmental need to be freed up from reliance upon authority figures and externally imposed discipline. This placement can produce profoundly anti-establishment people and is common amongst exiles, who have left the fatherland because of what was perceived to be too stifling a regime. In such cases, the father is normally seen as embodying the values, which the child rejects in the name of individual freedom. If Uranus is retrograde the anti-authority stance tends to be less overt but there is, nonetheless, a resistance to all externally imposed authority, which in turn makes for a chequered career. Whether retrograde or direct, Uranus in H10 makes a person critical of procedures and reluctant to conform to any system. He is usually far better off working for himself than trying to be a company man. Neptune With Neptune in the 10th House a person has difficulty in settling for anything which is ordinary: this placement has the effect of making conventional achievement seem trivial and unworthy to the Neptunian, who may either try to live out a fantasy in which he seeks to elevate himself by claiming special powers - usually psychic or spiritual - or seek some kind of idealistic work. Should he make such a connection then he will be prepared to sacrifice much in the way of material reward and social standing for his cause. Neptune in Capricorn is capable of giving a very practical and effective expression. Pluto With Pluto in the 10th House the soul is learning about power, as something external to himself. Through the many lifetimes in which Pluto is in H10, the soul will come to know all the permutations of the relationship between an individual and authority: there will be lifetimes in which the personality craves power which he does not have, others in which he has authority and recognition, and others again in which the personality rejects all externally imposed authority in order to develop a power base within himself. Whatever the nature of the lesson about power which is being learned, a person with Pluto in H10 is never indifferent to authority figures, including his father or the most dominant parent. If the child reveres the parent then he is likely to be learning to work with power; if the child rejects the parent or is rejected by him, then he is likely to be learning to be his own authority source, themes which will be born out only by the pattern of the chart as a whole. Moon The Moon in the 10th House indicates that the past life experience has involved exposure to lifestyles, which gave direct experience of status and externally imposed authority, both of which continue to hold great fascination for the Moon person. This placement confers either a longing for personal recognition or an attraction and deference towards powerful people, especially powerful women. A child with this placement of the Moon is commonly born to parents, one of whom at least, either occupies a position of authority on some scale or craves recognition, which is felt to be lacking. Mostly that parent will be the mother who places great emphasis on achievement and measures success according to conventional criteria. The child himself tends to comply with those ambitions of the parent, which extend to himself and allows himself to be directed. Throughout his life the person with the Moon in H10 tends to be impressed, both by people with status and seniority and those who have power over him by dint of the hold they have on his emotions. Far from resisting people who use this kind of control, a person with the Moon in H10 is likely to encourage their involvement in his life and is happy to defer to their perceived superiority. The point here is that a person with the Moon in H10 tends to give over control of his life to those to whom he becomes emotionally attached. Where the past life experience has been one of holding a position of authority, a person may be haunted by the memory all his life if the present incarnation does not give him scope to repeat the experience. AUTHOR’S NOTE: Developments in our society in the last 50 years make it easier for women with an emphasised 10th House to gain status and recognition in their own right rather than having to bring it into their lives by means of the partner. Nevertheless, conventional perceptions of the woman’s role, coupled with a failure to appreciate, whilst at school, the extent of their own ambitiousness, still makes it very common for 10th House women to reach the Saturn Return without having taken even the most basic of steps towards setting themselves up in a career, which will give them the rewards they seek. The consequences of this tend to be frustration and a sense that there is a piece of their life missing. It is notable that men with an emphasised 10th House do not to leave themselves out in the cold in the same way. Maybe this is because they are encouraged both directly and indirectly to recognise their ambitions.
Stars In Eleventh House
Eleven The Eleventh House House of Aquarius Element: Air Ruling Planet: Uranus & Saturn Area of Consciousness Universal Awareness through communal endeavour Sun in House 11 The Sun in the 11th House indicates that consciousness is being broadened by purposeful co-operation and team work. The influence of this house confers a sense of the need to be part of a group of like-minded people. The Sun in this house produces members of the armed forces, political activists and NHS workers. What is important to them is the sense of purpose and belonging, which comes from working with others towards a common, pre-defined goal. Unless there are strong influences in H10 there is unlikely to be much in the way of personal ambition. People with the Sun in H11, who do not feel as though they have a social conscience, will bring the group into their lives through their friends or their children's' activities. If there is little other than domestic responsibility in the lives of 11th House people then they are likely to experience a strong sense of futility and lack of fulfillment by the time of the Saturn Return. Unless there are compensating influences in 7th or 8th Houses, 11th House people frequently appear to be less loyal to lovers and family - other than children - than they are to friends. Children will be encouraged to become friends and equals as soon as possible. There is likely to be a marked interest in communalistic lifestyles and a great faith in the efficacy of the power of the group to change society. The outlook is likely to be secular rather than religious and supportive of change rather than transcendence. It is notable, however, that 11th House people do not always see the group as being the sum of its members, with the result that, private conduct may be in flagrant contradiction to the aims of the group. This placement of the Sun is often found with the Moon in one of the houses of Relative consciousness, indicating that the soul has awareness of its creative potential and is now learning to put that in the service of mankind. Mercury When Mercury is in the 11th House with the Sun it reinforces the communalistic tendancies and increases the attraction to reforming ideas and movements. When Mercury is in H11 and the Sun in H10 the need for personal recognition is likely to be met in the service of a cause or goal perceived to be socially beneficial. When Mercury is in H11 and the Sun is in H12, Mercury tends to secularise the somewhat mystical universalism of which 12th House people are capable, and makes it more readily able to be given practical expression through groups and movements. Mercury in H11 with the Sun in any placement creates a strong need to exchange ideas with like-minded people. Intellectual rapport is usually the most common basis for the friendships formed by people with Mercury in this house. Venus Venus in the 11th House confers the gift of friendship and tends to make a person extremely sociable. People with this placement of Venus usually seek to make friends of the children at an early age and the love and attention, which they give to the children, is not uncommonly to the detriment of the relationship with the partner. Complete absorption into an intimate relationship is something, which people with Venus in H11 usually resist on the grounds that it is limiting, unfulfilling and even self-indulgent. In the house of Aquarius Venus tends to prize friendship above intimacy. Mars When Mars is in the 11th House a person usually chooses to through a group or organisation, which is idealistic rather than commercial in intent. Arguments with colleagues, however, are very common with this placement because of the tendency of the Mars person to use the organisation as a platform for his own views and ambitions. The difficulties which a person with Mars in H11 so often experiences, with at least one his children, is nearly always the result of a battle of wills as the child resists the parents efforts to self-realise through him. In the 11th House, Mars is energetic on behalf of others, but tends to be intolerant and out of touch with their feelings. Jupiter Jupiter in the 11th House attracts a person towards activities, which are humane in intent. Like Venus, Jupiter in this house confers the gift of friendship, although the friends are likely to form a less homogenous group than is the case when Venus is the significator. As parents people with Jupiter in H11 tend to trusting and liberal and their relationships with their children are characterised by mutual respect. Saturn With Saturn in the 11th House a person has difficulty in trusting and gaining the acceptance of others. The reason for this karmic situation has to be sought out from the pattern of the chart as a whole. This placement of Saturn can also create difficulties with a child, which may arise from the relationship or may indicate a handicap of some kind. People with this placement of Saturn usually profess not to like groups and gatherings for a variety of reasons. The fundamental problem, however, is the sense of inadequacy and insecurity, which Saturn in H11 tends to feel in the presence of any group of people. Not uncommonly, there is a paranoiac fear of being talked about and ridiculed whenever others are gathered together. This placement of Saturn can cause great loneliness and often has the effect of making a person unduly dependent upon his partner. Cynicism and a dearth of any idealism are also characteristics of this placement. Uranus Uranus in the 11th House is an indication that consciousness needs exposure to situations, which permit individuality and self-expression. This placement of Uranus is found in charts, which show that much conformity was required in past lives, commonly to a collective ideal or communalistic lifestyle. People with Uranus in H11 disdain to run with the pack. It is not uncommon for friendships to end abruptly and in acrimony as a result of the Uranian’s refusal to moderate his views or his conduct. In the charts of both men and women. Uranus in H11 can signify the loss of the children to the partner in the event of a separation, or a subsequent estrangement from at least one of the children. If this is the case then there is usually something unconventional about the Uranian’s lifestyle, which requires him to forfeit his parental rights. This placement of Uranus confers a great interest in Occult matters and frequently results in a precocious involvement in one of the psychic arts. Neptune Neptune in the 11th House creates idealism and a great faith in communalistic lifestyles. For a person with this placement of Neptune the group is an entity superior to the sum of its parts, and in the absence of a group or movement to amplify his own efforts, he can feel isolated and impotent. A tendency to idealise friends and children for qualities, which the Neptunian does not perceive himself to have, goes with this placement, although it may indeed indicate an extremely gifted or sensitive child who requires special attention. Pluto Pluto in the 11th House indicates that the soul is coming to understand group energy. Over the course of many lifetimes it will experience the power, which the group can bestow upon its members and the freedom, which it can deny the individual. The position of the Sun will afford clues as to how a person with Pluto in H11 perceives the group in the current lifetime: When the Sun is in the houses of Universal consciousness then Pluto is likely to indicate a positive attitude towards the power conferring attributes of the group. Such personalities demonstrate a willingness to toe the party line and accept the price to be paid for access to group resources. This combination can produce inflexible attitudes and great intolerance and insensitivity in personal relationships. It can produce, however, leaders of enormous vision and persuasiveness. When the Sun is in the houses of Personal and Relative consciousness, however, Pluto in H11 is likely to create an awareness of the group’s capacity to overwhelm the individual, because personalities with this placement of the Sun tend to be deeply suspicious of groups and movements. If ever they do become involved Pluto is likely to produce abruptly severed connections on the grounds that the commitment was intrusive or invasive. Friendships and their relationships with their children can also be affected by their intransigent refusal to be pressured into accepting something they cannot approve. People with Pluto in H11 demonstrate a great awareness of the power of propaganda and techniques of mass persuasion, and even when they are repelled they are usually also fascinated. Moon The Moon in the 11th House indicates that the past life experience has been one in which the will and wishes of the self were subordinated to the interests of a group or community. A person with the Moon in H11 is frequently born to parents with an involvement in the armed forces or who are politically active. Alternatively the child may be one of a large family, which functioned as a team. This placement confers a ready understanding of the requirements of team work and friendship and a person with Moon in H11 usually seeks out circumstances in which he can gain a sense of belonging from membership of a group with a sense of esprit, or from a valued circle of friends. In his early years a person with the Moon in H11 may demonstrate considerable reluctance to enter into a close one to one relationship, preferring camaraderie to intimacy. The position of the Sun will determine whether a person with the Moon in H11 can remain in the circumstances which are comfortable to him and continue to develop or whether he will have to separate out in order to gain a greater sense of individuality. When it is the latter that is required, the experience of coming out from the security of the ranks can be the source of unease, self-consciousness and even guilt. AUTHOR’S NOTE: It does appear that influences coming through the 11th House may not make a serious impression upon a person’s life until comparatively late. This is especially true in women’s charts. This may be because the emphasis which Western societies place upon the family unit makes it difficult for a person with an emphasised 11th House to recognise, at least in any positive way, their preference for a more communalistic lifestyle, with the result that orthodox commitments are made, only to prove themselves less than satisfactory. Whilst Uranus, strong in its own house, is likely to be the most disruptive of orthodox family life, the Sun and Venus create within a person a sense of claustrophobia and futility if there is no effective outlet for energy which needs to be used in the service of a cause or, at the very least, in the company of like-minded people. People with any of the inner planets in the 11th House are likely to be willing to be drawn onto committees at the place of work, at the children’s schools and in local constituencies. Indeed, although the partner of an 11th House person may not realise it, involvements in group activities is likely to protect rather than threaten the family life of a person with an emphasised 11th House. It tends to be during the early thirties, after the Saturn Return, that a person with a heavily tenanted 11th House becomes aware that one-to-one relating and home-centered life alone will never be adequately fulfilling. If there are no children to ‘dilute’ the intensity then the sense of dissatisfaction will be even greater.
My own client profile would suggest that numbers of people coming into incarnation with the Sun and inner planets in H11 have been increasing markedly since the 1960s. This supports the expectation, common in New Age circles that as the Piscean Age draws to its close, societies will become more communalistic.
Stars In Twelfth House
The Twelfth House
House of Pisces Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Neptune and Jupiter
Area of Consciousness Universal
Awareness through the experience of non-separation
Sun in House 12
The Sun in the 12th House indicates that consciousness is being opened out by the experience of functioning in the world with a perspective which gives no great awareness of self as a separate being. The vibration in this area of the horoscope weakens the dualism inherent in perception of human kind. A 12th House child does not readily distinguish between self and other, mine and thine.
In their childhoods, 12th House people are not encouraged to think of themselves as individuals. The circumstances responsible for this are numerous and, on the surface at least, very different in nature. This placement is common in the charts of children brought up in orphanages, put up for adoption, or required to spend long periods in hospital. This placement may be found in the charts of children sent away to boarding schools, no matter how exclusive and no matter how loving the parents, in the charts of children born onto large families where clothes and toys are common property and the directed attention of the parents a rare commodity, and in the chart of an only child smothered by a parents love and concern.
In every case the child’s individuality is overlooked. Within the home and within the institutions, he is treated the same as everyone else and is not encouraged to recognised what makes him distinctive. Where the parent is smothering he exists for the needs of the parent, not in his own right. The early years of a person with the Sun in H12 tend not to be easy and are frequently unhappy. A person with this placement is prone to bullying. Other children detect his inability to stand up for himself and are likely to take his natural givingness as evidence of the need to buy friendship. Through out his life a H12 person runs the risk of being bullied, exploited and misunderstood by people who as unnerved by his lack of self-interest, as they are contemptuous.
By the time they reach early adulthood, many H12 men have cultivated a tough or flamboyant image.
In his dealings with the world a 12th House person tends to be handicapped by his lack of self-interest and competitiveness. Unless he adopts these qualities along with a worldly veneer - and some Ascendant signs, notably Capricorn and Scorpio, make this more likely than others - there is a temptation to drift or retreat into drink and drugs because he can see no purpose to the struggle. In terms of spiritual development, however, a person with this placement of the Sun is greatly advantaged by a perspective, which sees unity rather than separation. A 12th House person tends not to think in terms of Heaven and Earth, rather he is aware of God’s imminence. It is characteristic of experience in the House of Pisces that for what is denied on the physical plane there is compensation on the spiritual. Psychic, particularly clairvoyant powers are often conferred by this placement of the Sun There appears to be no one profession which attracts 12th House people more than any other. They are found in all walks of life and fame is by no means denied them. As artists they tend to be concerned with the universally applicable. It is notable that 12th House celebrities are frequently seen as embodying the spirit of a movement or they become the figurehead of a trend or fashion.
This placement of the Sun is often found with the Moon in one of the houses of Relative consciousness, indicating that the soul, having learned about self and other is now learning that the dualship perspective can be transcended. It may be that the Sun in H12 indicates the completion of a cycle of soul development.
Mercury in the 12th House with the Sun reinforces the impartial perspective and although it increases the difficulty a person experiences in defining and promoting his own interests, it enhances his capacity for spiritual understanding. When Mercury is in H12 and the Sun in H1 a person operates from an understanding that the whole is the sum of its parts: people with this combination tend to develop and project themselves with a sense that in doing so they are making a contribution to something more significant than themselves alone.
With Mercury in H12 and the Sun in H11 a person is likely to approach communal endeavour with a greater compassion and awareness of the emotional level than is normally associated with the house of Aquarius. A person with this combination is also likely to speak through the group, using it as a medium for his views and ideas. When Mercury is in H12 with the Sun in any placement a person is not encouraged in childhood to express his opinions or preferences and tends to have difficulty in his adult years in speaking out.
When Mercury in H12 is afflicted by Mars, Saturn or Uranus then there may be a physiological reason for problems in communication
Venus in the 12th House confers the ability to love selflessly and unconditionally. In their childhoods, people with this placement of Venus are often made to feel that others more needy have first call on the parents’ love and time. Although it may indicate a loveless childhood, it may also show up in the charts of people who grew up in a warm environment but one in which there was no scope to be demanding, often because a sibling needed special attention. It may also indicate ‘smother love'.
In their adult years people with Venus in H12 expect little back from others and their relationships are frequently characterised by imbalance in the matter of loving and giving. Although they may have a vision of the ideal relationship in which there is reciprocity, it is notable that many people with Venus in H12 feel stifled and trapped when they are made the focus of another's affections. They know true fulfillment when they are able to merge with a higher level of consciousness.
When Mars is in the 12th House the assertive and self-directing energy of the planet is turned inwards. A person with this placement frequently becomes a seeker of spiritual truth, working hard to transcend the limitations of the ego perspective. In his dealings with the world, however, he experiences considerable difficulty in acting in support of his own interests and is usually better equipped to work as one of a team rather than facing competative situations alone. Mars in H12 is not an uncommon placement for sportsmen who feel uncertain about the desirability of expressing assertiveness off the pitch or sports field.
People with Mars in H12 frequently have a parent who is either afraid of displays or wilfulness and anger or has a dominating will. Either way the child is discouraged from being assertive or self-directing. This placement is often found in charts with the Moon in Aries or 1st House, Leo or H5, indicating other lifetimes have given the soul experience of self-assertiveness and outer-directed behaviour. In the current lifetime a new approach is required.
Jupiter in the 12th House confers a great love of solitude and open spaces. People with this placement require a lot of quiet and time alone. In solitude, Jupiter in H12, especially if it is retrograde, can pick up the still, small voice. People with Jupiter in the House of Pisces rarely experience loneliness and possess great spiritual resources. In childhood they are likely to be solitary and usually learn to keep their spiritual understanding and any religious beliefs this might lend itself to, a private matter. The parents no matter how understanding, rarely share the child’s convictions and may have a view of life, which is almost exclusively materialistic.
With Saturn in the 12th House a person tends to be haunted by the spectre of existentialism, the fear that existence is random and meaningless. Yet this placement is found in the charts of some of the most renowned spiritual luminaries. In H12, as in any other, Saturn rewards effort. People with this placement who strive to find a meaning for existence may come to great truths.
It is possible that people with Saturn in H12 are dealing with more than individual Karma, and in working through their own fear and negativity they are helping to transmute the Karma of Mankind. For such a task the rewards are commensurate but there may be years of doubt, darkness and depression before they are experienced.
People with Saturn in H12 are likely to have a parent who is a depressive or has a fearful, defeatist view of life. If not actively over-protected, the child is taught by example that existence is an intrinsically negative experience. Safety is sought in structure, both literally and metaphorically: there is a tendency to hold onto scientific truths and admit little that is not empirically provable. Many find talk of the ‘life beyond’ unnerving. Agoraphobia is also a common condition amongst people with Saturn in H12.
Uranus With Uranus in the 12th House there is a developmental need to build a sense of individuality which is not dependent upon external forms of distinctiveness or shows of non-conformity.
People with this placement of Uranus tend to be born into families where there is a strong sense of propriety and an emphasis placed on conduct and appearances. Any form of exhibitionism is actively discouraged in their childhoods.
People with this placement tend to grow up considering themselves to be ‘ordinary’. They have, however, great potential to develop spiritually by following their own insights and intuition rather than an established path. They have access to a vast reservoir of energy and inspiration from the planes beyond the physical, if they can only become aware of this. The difficulty with this placement, if Uranus in H12 is unsupported by other outer planets, is that, a person’s sense of being ’nothing exceptional’ comes between him and his will to explore a path which may take him away from orthodoxy, and he may be unable to approve the development of his own psychic potential.
Neptune in the 12th House gives a person access to limitless grace in the form of ability to access understanding, which is possible, only when the partial view has been transcended. This placement may also confer considerable psychic ability, particularly in the form of clairvoyance.
As with Uranus in H12, however, a person needs to know he has this potential and put himself in a position where it can be developed, or he may have no conception of what is available to him.
People with Neptune in H12 are frequently born to parents who pride themselves on their practical sense and realism. The child is usually brought up to ‘look after number one’. From this bleak and unappealing world, the child with Neptune in H12 tends to retreat into a private realm of fantasy. The aspects made by Neptune to the inner planets will determine the extent to which the fantasies can be translated into a form which others can share or whether they remain locked away in a person’s mind. Regardless of whether a person with Neptune in H12 is able to channel its influence into artistic or literary form, he will in his daily life, be capable of acts of the most extra-ordinary selflessness. They may be sporadic and he may be disinclined to divulge his own motives but such acts are usually prompted by compassion for a person or animal in distress. The cost to himself whether reckoned in time, effort or cash, is often considerable. Secretiveness, bordering on the obsessive, is common with Neptune in its own House and there may be a tendency to hide behind images and aliases.
With Pluto in the 12th House consciousness is opening up to a power which can 'will into being'. Pluto in H12 has access to the Creator’s power and the purposes to which he will use it will reflect his level of development: he can manifest what he lusts after or he can will into being what he knows to be of benefit to mankind. For whatever he brings into being he will be held directly responsible.
A person with this placement of Pluto frequently knows much cruelty and abuse in childhood, be it of a physical, emotional or mental kind, and the perpetrators are usually the parents or guardians who have power over the child by virtue of their custodial role. From them the child has little opportunity to escape at the physical level and in order to get away he forces open a shutter in the mind which gives him access to enormous psychic power.
It is the law of the 12th House that for what is denied at the physical level is compensated at the immaterial.
The power of a person with Pluto in H12 is most readily evidenced by their often unconscious use of what has become known in New Age circles as Creative Visualisation: if he can hold an image or picture an outcome and give it his emotional energy he can bring it into being.
When used consciously, Pluto in H12 gives a person great charisma and the ability to make others into the agents of the outworking of his will. The responsibilities of this are enormous and the karma incurred through the use of the power conferred by Pluto in H12 is unlikely to be burned off in the course of a single lifetime. A person with this placement, if he is to work consciously with his powers, needs to be able to recognise and resist the voice of his desire nature.
The Moon in the 12th House is an indication that in other incarnations the emotions have been evaded and left unresolved. The sign of the Moon will reveal the qualities, which were emphasised to the detriment of the emotional level. If the Moon occupies a water sign this suggests that the emotional reactions were not owned.
People with the Moon in H12 tend to be born into families where emotional considerations are played down, if not ignored outright, in the name of expediency or practical sense. The parents, most significantly the mother, may be afraid of examining their emotions, in case by doing so; they wrench the lid off Pandora’s box. In such a situation, the domestic atmosphere tends to be charged with unacknowledged and unresolved emotion. The child is taught by example that his feelings are to be ignored and goes on the run from them, frequently by concentrating on the area of life indicated by the house position of his Sun.
This placement may also be found in the charts of children who do not know their natural mothers and those who have experienced little nurturance from them owing to some incapacity, which makes the child the effective guardian of the parent. It is also common in children of mixed parentage who have no clear sense of cultural identity.
Until his natal Moon in H12 is stirred up by a stressful transit or progession involving the outer planets, a person with this placement may function very ably despite the mood swings, sometimes quite severe, which are a characteristic and which a person usually professes not to understand or be able to control. Stressful transits and progressions, however, especially from Uranus and Pluto, release all manner of acknowledged fears and complexes and put a person under considerable pressure which frequently affects his health. Schizophrenic breakdowns and psychotic episodes are not uncommon when a person with Moon in H12 continues to disown what is being discharged from his unconscious. At such a time, never having developed an 'emotional identity' he may also be subject to invasion from the emotional energies of others.
These breakdowns, be they of the mind or body, usually last only for the duration of the transit or progression and then a person is able to function as before. He then has to decide whether to heed the warning he has received and attempt to solve the enigma of his own emotional nature or go back on the run from it.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The 12th House is without doubt the house least readily understood by students of astrology, probably because it is the subject of some of the least lucid commentary by writers on astrology. Western astrologers, pre-Jung, tended to present the 12th House as the black hole of the horoscope: the place where planetary energies disappeared to re-emerge in the form of some dementia or incapacity. There was much talk of hidden enemies, large animals, institutions and bondage. Such dedications are valid and from the point of view of horary astrology extremely useful. For the purposes of natal astrology, however, they are not adequate.
Although the post Jungian psychologist astrologers have added greatly to our understanding of the 12th House their liberal use of the term the Unconscious has tended to erode the distinction between the 12th and 4th Houses.
The Collective Unconscious is accessed through the 4th House. It is all that has been in the consciousness of mankind. The 12th House is the house of Universal Consciousness. What is accessible through this house has not passed through the filter of mankind’s dualistic, ego-centred perspectives. It is the gateway to all possibility, and to Truth, which is apprehend able only when the partial view has been transcended.
In the Tarot Neptune is represented by The Hanged Man: from the point of view of the world he is seeing things upside down. So it is with H12, the House of Neptune, where planetary energies are not for use on the physical plane or for personal gain. From the point of view of person centred astrology, the 12th House, which inverts the energies, is inside out and the planets, which occupy it, are debilitated. If person centred astrology is put in the service of spiritual advancement, however, and each life in the service of something larger than itself, then the 12th House, the area of the horoscope where the dualistic distortion is weakest, becomes a house of enormous opportunity.
As stated in the text, the law of the 12th House is: that for all that is denied at the physical level there is compensation at the immaterial. Pluto, when operating through H12, can manifest circumstances in which there is terrible suffering in childhood. As Pluto approaches the last degrees of Scorpio, its own sign, and the sign of power and sexuality, the sexual abuse of children gives every appearance of reaching epidemic proportions. One of the things we can do for these children and for mankind is show them how to claim their spiritual compensation.
Mercury in 7th house
Your relationships tend to gravitate towards people who are
intelligent, thought-provoking, witty and learned. You desire your
spouse or business partner to be sharp, curious, clever and alert. You
need to communicate and exchange ideas and information with your
partner. Promotion of ideas to and from others appeals to you and you
are always up for a good debate, discussion or argument.
You may spend much time thinking about your relationship or
relationships in general. Marriage may be quite often on your mind.
You desire a marriage or business partner that provides you with
mental satisfaction and challenge. A partner who challenges you
mentally and one who helps you function on more of an intellectual
level is what you are looking for and need. Their value is enhanced if
they help you better adapt and more effectively communicate with
others. The person who gives you a lively flow of ideas, ideas that
challenge and test your own mental processes, one who brings out your
best mentally, stimulates you in a way that others may not understand.
Yet that is what you seek in a partner.
Your partner may be quick-witted, fluent, volatile, restless, high-
strung as well as outspoken, argumentative, wordy and critical.
Nervousness or mental imbalance may be present. Your partner may
possibly be connected with education, writing, traveling, sales,
language interpretation or clerical, secretarial, typing or computer
In order to achieve the most positive results from any partnership you
should learn to control your argumentativeness and your desire to
Venus in 7th house
You are charming, sociable and friendly and it is easy for people tosee your loving nature. Partnerships are generally happy and
harmonious. But your desire for peace and harmony at all costs may be
detrimental to you if you do not stand up for your own needs. You
desire a spouse who is attractive and probably well off financially.
Creature comforts and enjoying them with your partner are desired.
Take care that you do not get in the habit of expecting too much from
others, though.
You have a deep appreciation of the value of relationships. Too great
an emphasis on affection might cause problems for you. A desire for
the perfect relationship may be so strong that any imperfections in
your relationship could be blown up beyond proportion. Balance and
poise are necessary.
You seek a partner that can supply you with "the good life". You want
beauty, luxury and the finer things in life and you seek a partner who
can provide these. Perhaps marriage will bring you to a higher
station in life. Over-indulgence and over-emphasizing the sensual side
of life can lead to problems. You must have a partner you feel is
cooperative rather than competitive. If Venus is aspected poorly in
your chart, then perhaps your partner's moral standards are subject to
Uranus in 7th house
Your partnerships are unique or unusual, usually possessing awonderful rapport or a total lack of understanding. You and/or your
partner are generally unconventional and you do things for their shock
appeal. Plenty of freedom is desired in the relationship and there
may be a lack of desire for commitment. In fact, maybe you search out
special situations in your relationships that ensure little
commitment. Perhaps you are most attracted to those who are already in
relationships or who are otherwise "unavailable".
Because of the uniqueness that exists within your partnerships, it is
likely that others will not understand them. You may not understand
them yourself. You meet the most interesting and unconventional
people in your life.
Any need to control the other person in your relationships will
probably lead to disaster. Partner and you will have to find your own
comfort level regarding time and attention spent on the other. A lot
of elbow room may be required. A relationship in which you feel you
are free to grow is one that makes it possible for you to do so. Any
limits or constraints placed on the relationship are likely to be met
with a certain "hit the road" attitude. Sudden and unexpected turns
are likely. Perhaps one person is required to be away from the other
for long periods of time. This position may give many long distance,
"casual" types of relationships.
You probably seek a partner who provides the thrills and spills for
you in your life. A partner who challenges you mentally and
emotionally is desired. Your relationships may be lab experiments
where you hope to learn who-knows-what. Someone who is inventive,
individualistic, creative, original, out-going, eccentric or radical
appeals to you. Your partner may possess considerable personal
magnetism and occasionally a degree of genius, but eccentricities,
erratic tendencies and even fanaticism may be present.
Your approach to marriage may be highly idealistic or utopian and
there may be an inclination to favor platonic unions. You want and
need your partner to be your friend. Most of your relationships
probably started as friendships. On the other hand, there may be a
tendency to seek excitement in partnerships and a marked interest in
romantic adventures may result in passing infatuations that can cause
a rift with the marriage partner.
The greatest threat to marriage may occur when one partner's capacity
for self-development expands at a rate greatly in excess of the
other's, so that one spouse may no longer be recognizable as the
person they were when the marriage took place.
For a successful partnership, you and your partner will need to
develop the qualities of tolerance, cooperation, detachment and
Sun in 7th house
You want a partner that you can be proud of. In some way your senseof pride is involved in the choosing of a marriage partner. There may
be a wish to gain social prestige and to marry someone who can be
admired and respected or someone who is higher on the social ladder.
Your partner must be one who encourages you to be your real self and
one who wants you to fully develop your powers of inspiration,
creativity and will. Your partner may be in a position of authority
and this may help give you more confidence in yourself or more
security within the framework of the relationship. You may be
challenged to display a greater degree of confidence and to exercise
authority more effectively and with greater magnanimity.
You must seek a relationship where both people are equal. A
partnership in which one is "superior" and the other "inferior" is not
likely to be successful. That "always me-first" attitude is not
conducive to a rewarding partnership. A need to feel part of a family
is present.
With this position marriage and partnerships are likely to assume a
paramount and key role in your life. There may be a tendency to look
for a "father figure" and, as you may be inclined to surrender the
initiative to your partner, you are rather more likely to react than
act first yourself, so that your partner may assume a dominant role.
If your natal Sun is badly aspected, then the partners you attract may
be egotistical, domineering, vain and ostentatious. If your natal Sun
is well aspected, then partners are likely to be proud, firm-minded,
self-confident, ambitious, honorable, frank and generous.
Selfish pride and too much desire to have your own way may be the
greatest challenges in your relationships.
Saturn in 7th house
There may be the tendency to attract older, more serious partners.Partnerships may involve much duty, responsibility and hard work.
There may be a karmic tie from the past to the partners in this life.
Whatever the case, there may be a feeling of restriction, bondage,
depression and anxiety in your relationships. They certainly can be
enduring, though.
Saturn here indicates you need to learn to cooperate with and to
develop empathy for others. You are perhaps cautious about marriage,
but, when committed, may find it very difficult to leave your marriage
partner, even if you are unhappy. You may marry for security rather
than love. Discipline is needed in relationships.
There may be a very self-controlled and sometimes calculating attitude
towards all forms of partnership. You are inclined to seek a partner
who will awaken your sense of responsibility and give you a greater
sense of purpose and will to succeed. For a woman there may be a
subconscious desire to marry a "father figure" and the partner may
well feel an urge to organize your life on a more effective basis.
The responsibilities of marriage or the fear of marriage may delay
marriage. If Saturn is well aspected in your natal chart, then this
position usually indicates that one loyally abides by marriage vows
and faithfully carries out marital duties. With a well placed and
well aspected natal Saturn, the partner is likely to be a person of
integrity, faithful, steady, reliable, industrious, persevering and
economical, perhaps not over-demonstrative and preferring deeds to
words, and providing a real anchor for the partnership.
If natal Saturn is badly aspected, then there is a tendency to endure
an unhappy marriage rather than to lose face by breaking up. If you
neglect to make your partner happy, your own happiness will be
affected in the same proportion. This position can also mean a second
choice marriage, which endures in spite of boredom, unhappiness and a
lack of love. In other words you may have wanted to marry someone else
but settled on a second choice instead. The partner may act in such a
way as to become a burden, and may be uncommunicative, narrow in
outlook, cold, and over-critical. In some cases the spouse may be
much loved, but prone to ill health. Marriage to a widow or widower
is possible.
Neptune in 7th house
There may be a tendency to idealize marriage or the marriage partner.Many sacrifices may be made for the spouse. The marriage partner can
be spiritually minded, artistic or just plain confusing. Communication
may be a problem due to your concepts and ideals not coinciding. There
is the tendency to attract a partner whereby you or they play the role
of martyr or savior. The feeling may be that your partner "needs"
saving and that you're the only one who can "save" (change) them.
Because of this your partner may be an alcoholic or a drug (ab)user.
Your imagination and your idealization of your partner may be more
real to you than what your partner is in reality. If this is so, then
there will come the day when your blinders are removed and you will
see their true nature. This then may lead to great disappointment and
discouragement when you find out that they or you have been living a
lie and that things are not as they have appeared. With this position
you must make absolutely sure you are dealing with the hard, cold
facts of your relationship and not the romantic notions dreamed up
from storybook tales.
You are likely to seek a marriage partner who can provide a source of
inspiration and bring out your capacity for compassion and loving
understanding. There can be a tendency to see a prospective partner
through rose-colored glasses or to weave imaginative fantasies about
new contacts or hoped-for encounters. Consequently there is a
possibility that the partner may not be the type of person conjured up
by your imagination.
There is some tendency to form partnerships based on admiration or
pity. If your natal Neptune is afflicted, such admiration may have
resulted from your having been dazzled by glamorous externals, while
an over-active sense of pity may be exploited by a prospective partner
so that you marry out of sentiment or misplaced sympathy.
Possibilities exist that the partner is very sensitive and may need to
be treated with kid gloves. The partner may be artistic or musically
inclined or have some connection with drama or the stage. The material
side of life may not concern them. Your relationship may be quite
spiritual and above the sordid things of this life, hence it may be
more platonic than sexual. The other side of the coin is that you may
become involved with unreliable, inconstant and somewhat shiftless
types whose sympathies may be largely focused upon themselves, or they
may be underprivileged in some way, or neurotic or invalids suffering
from chronic ill health.
An unconscious willingness on your part to indulge in self-deception
regarding your partner is possible. This may keep you in a bad
relationship because you refuse to see the truth or you falsely
believe that only you can change things.
In order to get the best results from the marriage relationship you
must learn to overcome vague desires for an unattainable ideal, to
control any tendency to get carried away by shallow romanticism and to
be as clear-headed and practical as possible when assessing the
virtues and attractions of prospective mates. Stay well-grounded.
Pluto in 7th house
Control and power issues along with feelings of ownership are presentwith the partner or spouse. Cooperation with the mate will need to be
learned. A partner may be selected based on that person's ability to
stand their ground and not give in. A partner such as this could make
the relationship very combative and competitive rather than harmonious
and equal-sided.
You are inclined to seek a partner who will provide a challenge to
discover new resources within yourself that will give you the power to
transcend previous performances and to transform certain aspects of
your being. A partner who makes you feel growth and intensity is one
you seek. There is a tendency to admire well developed will power in
others, with the result that you may attract those who tend to
dominate you, possibly feeling that if you have to cope with a
somewhat overpowering personality you may discover more effectively
the full extent of your own resources.
There are intense feelings and reactions in your relationships. You
have a need to cooperate with others and expect total commitment in
your partnerships. Trouble can occur when this same sense of
commitment is not felt by the other person in the relationship.
Moon in 7th house
You seem to attract sensitive people as partners, perhaps those whowant to "mother" you or be mothered. There can be many changes of
partners and many relationships because of the need to find someone
who can bring an ultimate security. This search continues because
security can only be found within, not without. You desire
companionship, hence many relationships.
Your feelings are greatly influenced by those with whom you are in
close personal contact. You want to be popular with others. You are
inclined to seek partners who can bring out your sympathetic side and
play on your emotions.
For men there is often a tendency to seek a "mother figure" and to
bring out in others a desire to mother, protect and care for them. You
are therefore likely to attract a partner who is kind and
Both you and your partner may need to be on your guard against moody
or fickle behavior. Marriage may be undertaken with the object of
establishing a home. More than one marriage is possible.
There is probably a compelling emotional need for a partner and for
marriage. In order to get the best results from any partnership you
must learn to control any tendency to be continually at the mercy of
your moods, which may result from over-vulnerable feelings. Try to
control a tendency to be too dependent on others for your emotional
stimuli and you should discipline a constant desire for changes in the
nature of the relationship.
Concerning vocation: Your work situation is tied to the public,
partnerships, a keen awareness of public expectation and the need to
meet it. Perhaps marriage is essential to give clear focus to work
security. For many with this position, the work profile can be
labeled a "public personality." You are dependent upon others for the
fulfillment of work needs. The process of relationships is extremely
Mars in 7th house
You are independent, like to have your own way and you must developgentleness and diplomacy in order to avoid rubbing people the wrong
way. You need to learn how to cooperate with others.
Relationships energize you and you get a great deal of stimulation
from them. You desire an active partner who can help you share in the
goings-on of the world. Your partner needs to challenge you, help you
initiate projects and perhaps compete with you. You need a sparring
partner! Your relationships have much energy and you need to channel
that energy into constructive means and not into destructive ones. The
competition between you and your partner might better be directed
towards the outer world.
In all your dealings with others you enjoy the element of challenge
and competition. You may goad others just to see how they will react.
The chase is important to you, perhaps more important then the end
result. Because you enjoy the action, you may not mind losing battles
to a partner who is prepared to carry the fight to you. Your marriage
partner is likely to be very ardent, positive, active, capable and
courageous, with a will of their own.
Perhaps the partner you seek is someone who can play the role of a
champion or a crusader. Mars here makes for an association where the
passions have full play and a love match with much devotion is
possible. The tendency is to marry early, often as a result of love at
first sight, although if Mars is badly aspected, you may "marry in
haste and repent at leisure".
There may be strife and friction in marriage as a result of the
partner's hasty temper, intemperance, extravagance, brashness,
intolerance, over-demanding attitude or violence.
In order to get the best results from marriage and partnership, you
should try to be as cooperative and easy-going as possible, practicing
gentleness and diplomacy rather than allowing any assertive or
quarrelsome tendencies to gain the upper hand.
Jupiter in 7th house
Benefit, opportunities and wealth may come about as a result ofmarriage or partnerships in general. You seek a partner that can
expand your visions, open up opportunities for expansion and help you
grow. Your partner can strengthen your faith and deepen your
religious or philosophical attitudes and ideas. You may feel that you
need a partner to help you develop your moral outlook and social
Your partner, who may be a member of one of the professions, may be
more affluent than you. If Jupiter is badly aspected in your natal
chart, then your partner may be somewhat opinionated, lazy, self-
indulgent, extravagant and self-willed, sometimes untrustworthy,
immoral, shameless and wasteful.
You are able to bring out the generous and good-natured impulses of
others, but in order to get the best results from the marriage
partnership you may need to control any extravagant tendencies and
prevent false pride from unduly affecting the smooth course of your